Lies Our Parents Told Us! FACT or CAP? #shorts #lies

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Being older and knowing my parents better now, I don't think they lied...

I'm convinced they believed every word they were saying.


Looking at CRTs will actually damage your eyes, but people tend to think this about flat screens too.


When you grow up and mature you realise your parents aren't superhuman they're just another ordinary adult trying to do their best. That's when I started appreciating every little thing they did for me, and not just being a spoilt brat.


"Our parents are liars"

I laughed so hard 🤣


The problem is that the parents didn't know they were lying- they grew up with everyone telling them that, and the only source they take as fact are their face book groups with similar minded adults


As someone who cracks their knuckles a lot this was a relief lol


People say getting haircuts makes your hair grow faster because it’s easier than explaining not getting your split ends trimmed will lead to damaged hair that will seem like it’s not growing, and your hair will get thinner. So trimming your hair WILL help you get long healthier hair but only because you’re preventing the damage, not because it’s actually growing any faster.


Yay! I was so worried that me cracking my knuckles or other joints would haunt me in my future and now I know that I don't need to worry!


I was told eating pumpkin seeds would grow one in my stomach… safe to say I stayed away from them until I was older and realized it was a lie


Dr Youn: Our parents are liars

Also parents: Okay sweetie don't lie becaaause that's bad okiii?


fun fact about the eyesight one, in a lot of cases of children eyesight getting weaker from watching too much TV (or actually, staring at a blue light source aka a screen for too long) just strains the eye, and doing that repeatedly would cause, if I remember the name correctly, RSI (repeatative strain injury) which can be a cause of, you guessed it, weaker eyesight!


I just love your down to earth humor sir!☺☺


The TV one, my optometrist actually told my parents that when I was 16, so they cut my TV time down to 'save' my eyes. But that's not the bad part.
The bad part was since I was misdiagnosed my eyes kept getting worse and worse over the years and I thought it was caused by screens, I'd even wear sunglasses like a freak when we had to do school work on computers because I was so paranoid.
Now at 22 I finally got diagnosed with keratoconus after I moved towns and had a new optometrist.
Keratoconus is caused by bad genetics plus rubbing your eyes.
Now see, if my towns optometrist had actually done his job I would've stopped rubbing my eyes as a teen. Instead I got told a dumb myth and ended up with permanent, non reversible, vision damage which could have been easily avoided.
If he had even said it was caused by idk, birds, at least I could have done my own research, but instead I was trying to severely limit my computer&screen time which meant I literally couldn't google to find out myself.


I remember when I went to an eye doctor to see how my myopia is going, my mother asked him what could be the cause of it. He said that it has nothing to do with sitting in front of a screen for long periods of time, but looking things close to you and not practicing on far away sight. This can be caused simply just by chilling in your house all day doing nothing but watching TV, reading books, etc. you sometimes also need to practise your far sight too and for that it's better to do it with objects out of your house

Edit: I would like to point out that myopia can also be hereditary or just happen randomly, but honestly practicing your far away sight can at least lower the odds of it appearing at any point in life


Our parents: Don’t lie!
Also our parents:


😂😂😂I used to cross eye many times when a kid. Also my parents and their friends would say not to swallow seeds or I’ll grow a tree and branches would come out through every hole on my face. Lol! And being a stubborn Taurus I dared them all to their shock plus going under stairs while a black kitty is present. Lol! Yeah right!


Not specifically screens, but looking at things close to you without breaks will strain your eyes which can damage them permanently


Optician: "Your sight has slightly worsened."
Mom: "It's because of that damn phone."
Optician: "No."
Me: 😝🤓

Edit: Just so y'all know, that's actually how it happened. My sight decreased by a little and my mom asked if it had something to do me with being on my phone. The optician said that was not a likely cause. That would also make no sense, otherwise every single person would have glasses. And it wouldn't make sense for young people who don't spend as much time on their phone to still have glasses. I started wearing glasses in high school when I didn't even have a phone and my sight hasn't worsened in years, even though I work behind the computer every day now. I can't explain why I wear glasses, I was just told that it doesn't have to do with spending long periods of time behind screens.


"our parents are liars" doctor: smiles


When a content creator makes accurate contents, then a real professional reviewed his content and agrees, this is a one of a kind paradox.
