Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

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This topic explains Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

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No this is not the correct analogy. According to this video the new momentum exists to be calculated but we are unable to. The uncertainty principle states that there is no momentum that exists to be calculated. It is not our inability to calculate. What if the person did not cover his eyes? Uncertainty principle says that when one is precise the other becomes imprecise not because we can't measure. Because there is no definite value to measure. This video is talking about the Copenhagen experiment or the observer effect.


This is just a example some people argue with that blind person use positions of sub atomic particles inside the atoms instead of this blind person and ball

Subatomic particles always moving around so it's not possible to determine that's what this video explained

Good work (y)


This is wrong self creation example. First why the person is blind?. Uncertainty Principle tells us the observer can be even super microscope. Second, regardless of the vision of the observer, in this example, it is too easy to calculate the final speed of the ball by applying conservation of momentum.
Heisenberg matrix mechanics is not as such simple to understand.


please remove the video, this is wrong vdo, do not give the conception about principle
