Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Explained & Simplified - Position & Momentum - Chemistry Problems

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This chemistry video tutorial explains the concept of heisenberg's uncertainty principle in a simplified way. His principle applies mostly for small particles and events. As the uncertainty in the position of a particle increases, the uncertainty in momentum decreases. This video contains some math practice problems that illustrate Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
Atomic Theory - Formula Sheet:
Speed of Light, Frequency, Wavelength:
Photon Energy:
The Photoelectric Effect:
De Broglie Wavelength:
The Bohr Model of Hydrogen:
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle:
Intro to Quantum Numbers:
Orbitals & Atomic Energy Levels:
Maximum Number of Electrons:
Intro to Electron Configuration:
Electron Configuration Exceptions:
Noble Gas Notation:
Electron Configuration of Ions:
Orbital Diagrams:
Paired & Unpaired Electrons:
Aufbau's Principle & Hund's Rule:
Paramagnetic & Diamagnetic Elements:
Valence Electrons & Periodic Table:
Effective Nuclear Charge:
Slater's Rule:
How To Identify The Element:
Quantum Numbers - Mega Review:
Quantum Numbers - Practice Test:
Final Exams and Video Playlists:
Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:
Atomic Theory - Formula Sheet:
Speed of Light, Frequency, Wavelength:
Photon Energy:
The Photoelectric Effect:
De Broglie Wavelength:
The Bohr Model of Hydrogen:
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle:
Intro to Quantum Numbers:
Orbitals & Atomic Energy Levels:
Maximum Number of Electrons:
Intro to Electron Configuration:
Electron Configuration Exceptions:
Noble Gas Notation:
Electron Configuration of Ions:
Orbital Diagrams:
Paired & Unpaired Electrons:
Aufbau's Principle & Hund's Rule:
Paramagnetic & Diamagnetic Elements:
Valence Electrons & Periodic Table:
Effective Nuclear Charge:
Slater's Rule:
How To Identify The Element:
Quantum Numbers - Mega Review:
Quantum Numbers - Practice Test:
Final Exams and Video Playlists:
Full-Length Videos and Worksheets: