L-1 | 1. Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants Class 12 Biology Sexual Reprodcuction #biology

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L-1 | 1. Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants Class 12 Biology Sexual Reprodcuction #biology
#biology #biologyclass12 #newindianera #nie #prashantbhaiya #biologynotes #reproduction #reproductioninorganism #reproductioninplants #newindianera #maharashtraboard #hscboardexam2022
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Mr. Prashant Tiwari and NIE Team
(Instagram id : Prashant_t9)
● I had done B.Computer Science from Mumbai University
● Having 5+ year of Teaching Experience.
● Founder of NEW INDIAN ERA
#biologychapter1class 12th
#nie #maharashtraboard
#biologyclass 12th
#biologyhscboard reproduction iin lower and higher animal,asexual reproduction,sexual reproduction in plants,TS of anther,anatropous ovule,pollen pistil interaction,parthenocarpy,polyembryony,pollination,contrivances,outbreeding devices,endsoperm formation,megasporogenesis,microsporogenesis,double fertilisation,developments of monocot embryo,seed development
#biology #biologyclass12 #newindianera #nie #prashantbhaiya #biologynotes #reproduction #reproductioninorganism #reproductioninplants #newindianera #maharashtraboard #hscboardexam2022
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Join the Channel for extra benefits :
Mr. Prashant Tiwari and NIE Team
(Instagram id : Prashant_t9)
● I had done B.Computer Science from Mumbai University
● Having 5+ year of Teaching Experience.
● Founder of NEW INDIAN ERA
#biologychapter1class 12th
#nie #maharashtraboard
#biologyclass 12th
#biologyhscboard reproduction iin lower and higher animal,asexual reproduction,sexual reproduction in plants,TS of anther,anatropous ovule,pollen pistil interaction,parthenocarpy,polyembryony,pollination,contrivances,outbreeding devices,endsoperm formation,megasporogenesis,microsporogenesis,double fertilisation,developments of monocot embryo,seed development