Plant sexual reproduction | Educational Video for Kids

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What are you waiting for? Wow! Plants are so amazing! 🌷🌿
💭 Who can tell me the two ways that plants can reproduce?
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Hello Happy friends!
Welcome to a new Happy Learning video!

Plants, as all living things, need to meet the vital functions to be able to live. Nutrition, interaction, and reproduction. Today, we’re going to get to know plants’ sexual reproduction.

Plants have two very different ways of reproducing. They can have sexual or asexual reproduction. Today, we’re going to get to know the first type!

Sexual reproduction happens in the plants’ flowers when a male sex cell joins a female sex cell. When time passes, this cell union produces a seed, from which a new plant will grow.

To get to know plant sexual reproduction better, it’s important to know the parts of a flower and the functions each of these has towards reproduction.

Do you want to learn lots more things, about plants’ sexual reproduction? Do you want to know the parts of a flower, and get to know what the stamen and pistil are? Do you want to discover the pollination process… and how fruit is formed? Do you want to know the importance animals and plants have, towards the balance of life? You do? Then click on this link and you’ll be able to watch the whole video of plant sexual reproduction, I’m sure you’ll get an excellent grade in your exam!

Goodbye friends! See you in the next Happy Learning video,
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