Matplotlib based GUI to plot time series data: PyQt5 tutorial - Part 15

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Hello friends! This is part 15 of the PyQt5 GUI learning series. In Part 07 tutorial we designed a GUI to drag and drop the csv file to show data. Today’s tutorial is an extension to the previous one. So lets have a look at the updates:

It would be better to let user select x-axis and y-axis data from a dropdown list. Some CSV files especially time-series data have datetime stamps, which should be handled on the x-axis.

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Thank you PyShine, so much to learn here. Every tutorial is a treasure!! :)


Hey PyShine, nice to meet you! I just found your channel, love what you're doing!

I like how clear and detailed your explanations are as well as the depth of knowledge you have surrounding the topic! Since I run a tech education channel as well, I love to see fellow Content Creators sharing, educating, and inspiring a large global audience. I wish you the best of luck on your YouTube Journey, can't wait to see you succeed! Your content really stands out and you've put so much thought into your videos, I applaud you on that!

Cheers, take care, and keep up the great work ;)


Great implementation, your videos are great! Thank you very much!


Thanks for the tutorials, are you planing to teach how to create executable installable files?


great series of videos! One more to round it up: Is it possible to create a 'data cursor' to display the CSV values near the mouse location? would be a very useful add-on in my opinion. thanks
