you are not broken

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This video was sponsored by Blinkist


Mate G. (2008). In the realm of hungry ghosts: close encounters with addiction. Vintage Canada.

Visions: notes of the seminar given in 1930-1934 by C.G. Jung by Carl Gustav Jung, edited by Mary Foote and Claire Douglas (Princeton University Press, 1997)
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“Do we settle for a familiar sadness, or risk discomfort for a better life?”
Amazing line here.


Crying at night because I feel so disappointed of what I've become, and I get this notification.

(Edit: i did not realise that this comment would get a lot of attention and likes but i am thankful and appreciate everyone who showed support. I'm sorry because I can't reply to any of ur comments because I'm quite stressed 24/7 and doesnt know how to share my problems to anyone because of trauma and personal issues. I am a 15 year old with a suicidal mind is all that i can share with you all for now.. i hope everyone who is having a bad time right now gets the comfort and rest that they need <3.)


At the end of the day you were never actually broken, you were simply using the best tools you had at the time and to nonetheless let them go and live the life you’ve always wanted


Understanding and facing our addictions or escapism is a tough journey but I wish everyone luck this year. I hope that we all find the person we were meant to be.


I didn't grow up too quickly. I grew up too slowly. And for that I carry this constant shame, as if I had condemned myself to eternal obstruction in my life, as if I compromised my own future for not growing up fast enough.


You can't believe how much I needed this. I'm in a period of time where I will soon have to become responsible, to start taking care of myself on my own, but the way I have lived my life has made me think I will fail, that I will not fulfill my goals and aspirations. This video at least gave me assurance that everything will be okay. Great vid


How the fuck am i supposed to be able to pay attention when the pianist is throwing gnarly jazz licks through the whole video


Compassionate curiosity - a summary:
1. Re-label: Is it really something I need to do?
2. re-attribute: separate yourself from your thoughts & feelings. Look at this urge from the perspective of a patient, compassionate observer - is this feeling caused by hunger / tiredness etc
3. Re-focus: instead of grabbing your phone, grab a book, walk outside
4. Re-value: The addiction has outworn its welcome
5. Re-create: what is the life that you really want?


Just got out of jail today and this is exactly what I needed to hear. I’m just grateful to be on my phone in my own bed next to my animals.


This video came in the right time, even tho i may have zoned out half the video, i loved it.
also congrats on 1million subs sisyphus you deserve this so much man


Gabor Mate is quoted here saying, “I feel sure it was forged in my chest cavity somewhere between my lungs and heart…” The scientific name of that cavity is the mediastinum. It’s the place where I’ve always physically felt the pain of heartache, abandonment, grief, and rejection. It’s also the place where 15 years ago scans revealed a tumor the size of a grapefruit, which led to a diagnosis of stage 4 mediastinal lymphoma. I can’t help but wonder if there’s a connection.


It's hard for me to accept the information put forwards by this video. I.. don't think I'm physically able to concede that I'm not a broken person.


Month after a break-up, today I came upon a realization. I am not broken, I am just being molded into something new.


'Subdue the regret. Dust yourself off, proceed. You'll get it right in the next life, where you don't make mistakes. Do what you can in this one, while you're still alive.' -Volition, Disco Elysium


The phrase "Separate yourself from your thoughts." has always been strange to me, since I don't know how to define myself, aren't I my thoughts? My actions? My values? I'm so many things but I've never been able to pinpoint what exactly I am, if anyone could give me some guidance on that it would be much appreciated.


That's a pill hard to swallow. For the last few years i've convinced myself my family broke me beyond repair, that it's not just a mechanism but instead this is who i am now, this new broken state of being is my true self. I made peace with the fact that i've lost my mind, i found solace in knowing there's no hope for me, and that my life has no purpose or directions anymore.

I need time. I'll keep this video saved, maybe one day i'll change my mind.


Sisyphus reaching 1 mill is a thing I’ve anticipated since I first started watching him when he had about 300k. This has made my day congratulations brother 🥳🥳🥳


it’s like you knew exactly what i needed to hear.. thank you


You're not broken. You're broke.


Thank you for this video. I struggle with severe alcoholism, 16+ drinks per day, and you’ve made me seriously examine my life. I can’t say I won’t continue to drink myself to death, but I believe that your words have given me a fighting chance.
