The capture and trial of Adolf Eichmann

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“Operation Finale” is a travelling exhibition that tells the story of the pursuit of the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, who made his way to Argentina after World War II. At his trial, Eichmann insisted that he was “just following orders” when he arranged for millions of European Jews to be transported to death camps. Jim Axelrod examines the actual glass booth that Eichmann sat in during his trial in Israel, and spoke with former Mossad agent Avner Abraham, who curated the exhibit, now at the Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg.

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Of all the women in Germany, his son had to pick the daughter of a survivor that recognized the last name.


Imagine waking up every morning for 15 years, waiting for justice to get you.


I am an old man now of 66 years of age, but I will never ever forget as a young boy in the 4th or 5th grade coming across a book in the library of my old elementary school and finding a book detailing Simon Wiesenthals efforts to document the atrociites of genocide committed by the Nazis. The book had the graphic descriptions and pictures of the death camps, and I remember just being so incredibly shocked in an almost state of disbelief that humans could commit such horrible acts. I still remain just as shocked today, but sadly humans seem to have this innate ability to show extreme savagery at times.


There's something quite interesting they don't mention here about the operation to kidnap Eichmann to Israel: you see, this Mossad operation was done in Argentina, but Argentina wasn't notified about it and certainly did not agree to it. So, how could the Mossad "smuggle" Eichmann - against his will - out of Argentina? Thar's probably the most genius part of this entire operation. Those days (1960), "flag carrier" airlines were actually owned by the respective government, and so was "El Al", Israel Airlines. While "El Al" did not have any routine flights to Argentina, in 1960 Argentina celebrated its 150th anniversary of independence, and "El Al" brought the Israeli delegation that attended the event. Mossad used that Israeli airplane to get Eichmann out of Argentina, without the Argentinians noticing it: Eichmann was dressed up as a flight attendant and given a sedative. He was then carried by his "fellow flight attendants" - in reality, Mossad agents - through Buenos Aires airport security into the plane, with the agents managing to fool the airport personnel into thinking its simply a case of a flight attendant who had way too much to drink. Anyway, that's how the Mossad managed to smuggle a guy out of a country against that country's will and that guy's will, and without the use of military force or anything like that.


“Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.'' Ernest Hemingway.


The irony of him being turned in by his own kid lol


"he escaped to Italy and then to Argentina" so we are going to skip over who helped him?


My great grandfather died on the battlefield near Kiev in 1941, witnesses said he was crushed by the German tank in one of the trenches. And my grandfather who was only 18 fought in the east against Japanese in 1945. World War two had truly effected every family in soviet union. They fought and triumph so we could live today.


The movie “Operation Finale” with Ben Kingsley is very good.


The kind of insignificant person you would pass in the street and not think twice about him


Eichmann received a fair trial before he was condemned, his victims didn't. He had a competent brief who mounted a defence against the evidence, all of which was disclosed by the prosecutor. The death sentence was the only sentence that fitted; he'd been convicted of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Imagine your luck, your daughter in law's father was your prisoner on the other side of the world years before... damn.


"I don't want to use his real name because it makes him a regular man" Now that shows the disgust quite well


IMO. Following order is only a viable defense if you were drafted into a position against your own wishes, and then forced to do whatever oreder it was. You don't get to higher up positions like him by not wanting it.


The crazy thing is after the war before he went to Argentina he lived and worked 10 km from Bergen Belsen he worked for the forester


Mossad agent wore gloves just so he doesnt even touch him. Wow


Now, Israel may become a far-right authoritarian state. Most likely, one of the greatest ironies in recent history.


Lesson: never let your son fall in love with unknown girl


'bruh i was just following orders bruh'


Should not this indictment read “ crime against humanity “? Rather than crimes against Israel?
