Laws of Form Engendered by a Cybernetic Process — Vanilla Beer

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Spencer-Brown was employed by my father Stafford Beer in order that he could write Laws of Form. Recollections of that time; plus my subsequent friendship with Spencer-Brown who refused to acknowledge he was anything other than a magician.

Artist in many genres, exhibited internationally
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I just love how sharp this lady is. Fascinating talk / conversation.


Interesting talk... It has always been difficult to get reliable information on Spencer Brown.. It would be interesting also to hear more about Gordon Pask and his opinions of Spencer Brown and his work...


Gordon Pask made perfectly clear (to his seminar class at the University of Illinois, Chicago ("Circle") in 1975), that GEORGE SPENCER BROWN and DAVID SPENCER BROWN SHARED a SINGLE BODY.
The electrical engineer and the logician (to say it again) were distinct individuals with one human body; they cited one another in professional publications, quite properly and informatively.
Pask's epistemological ontology makes it reasonably simple to discuss non-pathological cases of multiple Psychological Individuals acting primarily through a single Mechanical Individual - a single physiological human body.
For comparison, today's 4E philosophy allows for spatially-extended P-individuals. Similarly, specific interpretations of EPR-B, (i.e. as recent 'interpretations' of quantum 'Action-at-a-Distance') allow us to work productive with "entangled particles, " those that exist "at spatially separate locations" but not at spatial regions "in between." Quantum Information Theory ought to be able to enhance, and maybe be enhanced by, Gordon Pask's Conversation Theory.



Longitude 127 Seoul Okinawa Soul Axis BF RL JC Hky
Great secret
