I Had Another Healing Crisis | What Happened?

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They don't happen often. But when they do, boy oh boy am I in for a rough ride! What happened during my healing crises and other crises? Let's find out!

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I think we need to talk more about the healing crisis. Too many people try out juice feasting and suddenly feel terrible, with old symptoms coming back. That is a sign of progress! Your body is going to detox, and begin repairing it's most damaged extremities. Personally, I've had old injuries come back and current issues worsen. But you keep going and it WILL go away completely. This is a process of healing, and if people aren't aware of this many will likely give up the first time they hit a roadbump, thinking it isn't for them, or somehow, it's actually made things worse. We need to spread more awareness about this process, and show that there IS light at the end of the tunnel.


Thanks bro, I hope you are feeling better and this was fascinating. We hear about healing crisis' but rarely hear the details of what people actually experience. It's crazy how the body holds on to all of this crap that we accumulate over the years. Imagine what each of us would be like if were all fed raw organic vegan from birth...we would be like super hero's!! Keep up the great work bro and I hope all is good for you asap. Love, light and peace!


Nathan: massage your face and jaw area to get the lymph nodes to open up so that the lymph will begin to flow. Your videos are truly inspiring. I hope this helps.


I can relate. My healing crises always reside in my mouth with crazy painful gum swelling, then tonsillitis so bad one time it put me in hospital, and my shoulder injury from years back flaring up. I’m also guaranteed to get big sore boils on my thighs! I’m juice fasting right now and the boils are back! I look forward to the day I’m so clean inside there’s no healing crisis anymore.


Dang. It's crazy that we both had a tough time at the same time. Great that you shared!


Holy freaking cow...I have been having pain in that exact area as well since the last 4 days...this is interesting. Good to know, that you feel better soon . Keep up the good work, Nathan !!


I have similar issues with lymph nodes swelling in my neck, shoulders and back during a healing crises. And I just experienced one of the worst healing crises yet, lots of clear mucus coming up, swollen lymph nodes and extreme tension and pain running along my entire right side, which is my weaker side from a lot of old injuries. It is really interesting experiencing these things coming back up and having the understanding that this is happening so that these old injuries can be released. The body is an incredible organism! If only we get out of its way. And wow does a Hot and Cold shower really help! Also if need be for additional help a coffee enema. 😉
Thanks for sharing your own experiences with this!


thank you Nat for sharing, its such very interesting to learn from others healing journey =)
hope you're doing well now


Good video …… the healing crisis always make me give up . It’s like I can never stay on cause soon enough the correct ways of eating actually make you feel


Thank you this help a lot…. It a week of mucus all over from the top and the bottom. I’m feeling much better I drop pounds and my body started feeling… like I’m free. My lymph node from my neck was huge for months I never thought that was going to happen. Even my tongue was swollen.


Wow! That’s so interesting how things heal in that order.


I am also currently breaking out in canker sores. Right now I have 4-5 large ones. Minor issues but painful. They have been coming and going for weeks now. I have been on nothing but watermelon for months so it is a healing crisis. I also was a bodybuilder and had terrible rotator cuff pain for years but had the issue resolved a few years back but the pain is back and I haven't lifted a heavy weight in 8 months. Its crazy crazy how bad cooked foods damage the body.

Just subscribed. Loving your content.


Hey. The right shoulder pain could be due to your liver. Too much fructose and nutrients intake overload your liver. That's why juicing is also risky. Water fasting seems to be stronger and safer.


Once I had pain like that and I figured it was an infection and went to the tanning salon for vitamin D. At the end of my session, when I lifted the lid and sat up, my muscles flexed all the way up through my jaw and the abcess popped! Kind of gross story, sorry. Lol. I've had lots of actual healing crises that I didn't know were crises until I ate a salad or something (broke whatever fast or Island I was on), and the symptoms vanished literally instantly and then I knew I messed up.


Thats interesting what you said about the body odour matching the side your having a healing crisis. I've been having problems with my teeth on my right side, coincidentally I started getting neck and shoulder problems on the same side. When I'm fasting the pain flares up in these problem areas and I get bad BO, but only on that right armpit. I've done ummm maybe 5 or 6 short dry fasts in the last couple of months and it happens every time. The pain does appear less intense this fast but I do wonder if it's some kind of healing crisis.

Also in the last 2 or 3 fasts my lower back on my left handside started hurting a lot. For about 7 years I had problems in that area of my back from work but I hadn't felt any pain there in the last 3 years until now. I'm convinced my body is going through another healing crisis, so I'm just being patient and letting my body do what it needs to do.


yaiks, hate pain in the mouth/teeth/jaw hope it resolves soon! But crazy how much you can go through, even after 300+ days of juicing!


I had a stroke 3 yesrs ago since going raw vegan body been going at it


Retracing your past!! Fantastic!!! Really nice story ❤️❤️❤️. Can we re-enamelize our teeth? Mine got wrecked from detoxing too fast.


Thanks for sharing your story mate.
I haven't read all comments or seen all your videos, so maybe you already addressed this point. But do you think it might be related to "injections" and heavy metals and/or hydrogel-type of stuff climbing up your cranial nerves and creating inflammation there? I've been dealing with something akin to you although way more chronic and somewhat different, but you made me thought of my own body/neck issues. Interesting read on the matter: Crooked by Forest Maready.
Keep pushing, Peace.


Thanks for telling the truth Im on a juice fast my gums hurt real bad back pain my fingers hurt I had pain in both lower legs threw up mucus my eyes hurt my kidneys and it’s hard to walk
