Hollow Knight - Nosk - With Lyrics

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Originally meant for Spooky Month, timing didn’t work out. Enjoy Spooky December with Spider Mimic, Spider Mimic, does whatever a spider do!

Alex Beckham

Lyrics by Alex Beckham


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"Your prey for Nosk"
Hollow Knight: hAhA lEfT pLaTfOrM eDgE gO sLiSh sLaSh


Hearing the voices of the previous victims going from "who's there" to screaming as nosk eats them alive is the stuff of nightmares


I love that as soon as the chorus began, it just JUMPS to the art instead of fading in

that's how you know this boss is a scary threat


Nosk in this cover: 🎤😏👌

Nosk in the game:


I really like the voice for Nosk being surprisingly calm. As mountrous as it is, Nosk has a high chance of being extremely smart as it reads its victims's minds and looks for the easiest way to lure them in, so it being capable of speech makes sense.


Nosk with a silky smooth voice was not on my bingo card, but I'll accept it with open arms


Little fun fact: the reason why Nosk impersonates the player is because the vessel you play as has no memory of its tragic origins and little ability to actually formulate complex thoughts or feelings, so when Nosk, a predator able to read minds and impersonate loved ones (especially ones thought to be deceased), tries to read the vessel that's more hollow than others, it can't find anything and it confuses the hell out of it, so it just takes on the form of its prey.


Wasn't sure about this one until 0:44 and I was immediately won over, peak as always !


I love how Nosk is treated as this force of nature, this creature of legend that you're faced against. Its own voice is so sadistic, while the voices of the souls it has killed, the ones it uses in to lure in its victims, are also screaming at you to run.


I sometimes forget how intense his theme actually is. It really adds to the creepiness of him and I'm glad the lyrics convayed how much of a nightmare spawn nosk really is. A giant, mind reading, shapeshifting spider who uses the appearances of the dead to lure in those who stumble into his domain to hung and devor them. Now if only his actual fight was as good as his concept and build up. Either way this was fantastic!


The chorus screaming and yelling “RUN” sent chills down my spine, this is so good


The scariest thing about this thing is even with ALL the lore about Hollownest, we aren't given a concrete answer on what it is. A mutant predator? A hunter made by the Radiance? Another of the Pale King's experiments? No answers, just screeching in the dark...


ngl I really didn't think a lyrics for "Nosk" would go this hard


Nosk is such a stand out boss. Its design forces you to take a far more defensive posture than most bosses. Sadly there’s a defensive posture that’s a little too good once you find it that trivializes the fight.


I did not expect a Nosk cover to have so much emotion! It feels like an evil version of the THK cover, same level of emotion but sadistic rather than sad, mockingly pitying you rather than begging for pity.


Knowing that Nosk can somehow dig into your memories to find the ones you cherish most to mimic and use against you; and seeing how many discarded vessels are strung up in its lair, I have to wonder if Nosk ever imitated the Pale King himself. It's horrifying to imagine a Vessel, discarded for feeling emotions, thinking it's found a way out, thinking that its father has returned for it, only to step into the waiting jaws of a monster


I yelped with delight when I saw this dropped! After Hive Knight unpolished for Songvember I'd never expected to get another Hollow Knight song, no less my absolute favourite and Oh. My. God! It's perfect. The lyrics, holy crap, "Run! Run!" gives me shivers each time. The creepy gleeful voice, I can't even. Thank you, all of you who worked on this. Best pre-Christmas present ever.


That chorus is incredible, I love how descriptive all the epithets you guys have nosk are


Something I noticed through the video is that Nosk's voice changes throughout the video. I like to imagine the deeper, more sinister voice is the ACTUAL Nosk's voice and the higher, calmer one is what The Ghost would sound like and that Nosk is copying it. More evidence for this being that it uses this voice more at the end of the battle, when it's done copying and has perfected the voice. And it;d make sense at to why towards at the end of some words the calm fake voice breaks back into the sinister real one


I love how some bosses are mindless monsters - like the Mawlek, but some are people - like Dung defender,
Nosk seems like a monster but is really a smart creature

which is cool idk
