Session #132 - Trauma and The Soul by Donald Kalsched Discussed

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Reference: _Trauma and The Soul_, by Donald Kalsched, published by Routledge.

We will also discuss other topics as you may suggest. Please send me your suggestions by e-mail.

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Facebook: Donald L. (Skip) Conover

NOTE: Skip Conover is NOT a mental health professional, but has been studying the work of Dr. C.G. Jung since 1987. If you feel seriously depressed, or have other mental health issues, please contact a licensed mental health professional in your area.

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Well meaning no doubt, and potentially useful, but have been unable to find out. Inaudible contributions of the group and adverts every few minutes


Hi skip I was wondering how did Jung know and understand his patients dreams how did he figure out what they meant and how they were not just random brain activity.


Skip, some of your re-interpretations are intuitive and helpful. Donald kalsched’s writings and retelling of his case studies are rich psychically speaking. You may want to consider your drinking of the wine while doing the reading and making observations. Is it helpful? And to who? I only ask because I think it is a distraction for some folks. Also your format of reading has its limitations. The two participants can’t be seen and there is a little confusion in the dialogue. But all in all, the purpose of educating people in jungian concepts is certainly an evocative one. Thank you


I don't have any expectations of someone ever saying I was "Christ-like". Especially since the one who knows me best, my wife, picked me up at the store today on my request because it started pouring. I stuffed the bag of potato chips under my jacket. I thought I had everything covered well, but then I got too confident, and moved to adjust the seat belt. She heard the faint, but tell-tale sound of a crinkling potato chip bag, reached over and gave me a pat down. BUSTED! She then read me a citation about blood pressure and salt! As I write this, I just got raked over the coals for making some popcorn too!

I swear she needs to apply to either Calgary Police Services or Canada Border Security!

I won't even try to bring a "Jesus voice" to any gathering, as that wouldn't be me either. It would be nice, however, if someone might say I was "Holy" in that I was "Healing" to someone.

Other than knowing Jesus, and trying to be truthful, decent and respectful to others, I am just Myles.
