How to Install and Setup Flutter on Windows | Full Step by Step Tutorial | #3 | Hindi
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To install and set up Flutter on a Windows computer, follow these steps:
Extract the Flutter SDK: Extract the Flutter SDK zip file to a location on your computer where you want to store it. It is recommended to extract it to a location that is easy to access, such as the root of your C: drive (e.g., C:\flutter).
Add Flutter to your PATH: Open the Start menu and search for "Environment Variables". Click on "Edit the system environment variables" and then click on the "Environment Variables" button. Under "System Variables", scroll down and find the "Path" variable, and then click "Edit". Click "New" and add the path to the Flutter SDK's "bin" directory (e.g., C:\flutter\bin).
Install the Flutter plugins for your preferred code editor: Flutter provides plugins for popular code editors, such as Visual Studio Code and Android Studio, which add features like syntax highlighting and code completion to make it easier to develop Flutter apps. Follow the instructions on the Flutter website to install the Flutter plugin for your preferred code editor.
Test the Flutter installation: Open a command prompt and type "flutter doctor" to check the status of the Flutter installation. This will display a list of any issues that need to be resolved, such as missing dependencies or incorrect environment variables. Follow the instructions to resolve any issues.
Run a Flutter app: Once Flutter is installed and set up correctly, you can create a new Flutter project and run it on an emulator or a physical device. Follow the instructions on the Flutter website to create and run a new Flutter app.
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#ahirlog #flutter #dart
Extract the Flutter SDK: Extract the Flutter SDK zip file to a location on your computer where you want to store it. It is recommended to extract it to a location that is easy to access, such as the root of your C: drive (e.g., C:\flutter).
Add Flutter to your PATH: Open the Start menu and search for "Environment Variables". Click on "Edit the system environment variables" and then click on the "Environment Variables" button. Under "System Variables", scroll down and find the "Path" variable, and then click "Edit". Click "New" and add the path to the Flutter SDK's "bin" directory (e.g., C:\flutter\bin).
Install the Flutter plugins for your preferred code editor: Flutter provides plugins for popular code editors, such as Visual Studio Code and Android Studio, which add features like syntax highlighting and code completion to make it easier to develop Flutter apps. Follow the instructions on the Flutter website to install the Flutter plugin for your preferred code editor.
Test the Flutter installation: Open a command prompt and type "flutter doctor" to check the status of the Flutter installation. This will display a list of any issues that need to be resolved, such as missing dependencies or incorrect environment variables. Follow the instructions to resolve any issues.
Run a Flutter app: Once Flutter is installed and set up correctly, you can create a new Flutter project and run it on an emulator or a physical device. Follow the instructions on the Flutter website to create and run a new Flutter app.
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#ahirlog #flutter #dart