How Root Insurance Treats Recruiting Like A Product

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One of our partners, Robert Hatta, recently visited with Clara Kridler of Root Insurance to learn how they are taking a product management approach to building and scaling the company’s recruiting and HR functions.

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Great video! Thank you for providing more insight into a great company.


Robert: Once again you've perfected the zeitgeist of contemporary content consumption. Engaging intro - check. Supporting jazzy background score - check. Clean/clear establishing shots - check. And my favorite - you made Clara/Root the star, and provided enough room to explore and unpack her comments in depth, versus jump cuts to seven different people. A full satisfying nugget of wisdom in five minutes. And you made it look easy. Well done. Keep em coming!


Great work to learn from. Thanks for sharing.


I just applied! It's so refreshing to see such transparency at the corporate level, and also the care Root has for acquiring new talent. I've worked for a few business owners who see their employees as a means to an end and often suffer from high turnover because they're not engaged in the individuals' career growth, aspirations, or opinions on growing the company.

Recruiting as a product is a great methodology, and reminds me a lot of how Starbucks puts their employees first, customers second, and sales third. Look how successful that business model has been for them!


Great video and story! Clara is awesome!
