AWS SysOps Administrator Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!)

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AWS SysOps Administrator Associate (SO1-C01) is intended for individuals who are pursuing a career in DevOps. This course covers DevOps topics relating to configuration, automation, patching and monitoring cloud services and virtual servers. By the end of this full course taught by an expert trainer, you will be ready to take the AWS SysOps Administrator Associate - and pass!

🎥This course was too long to fit in a single video. Watch part two here (2 more hours):

⭐Course Contents⭐
Check the pinned comment for the course contents with time codes. This course is so massive the full contents won't fit in this description!


Рекомендации по теме

☁️ Introduction
00:00:32 Introduction
00:09:43 Exam Guide Breakdown

☁️ CloudWatch
00:18:40 Pillars of Observability
00:20:07 Introduction
00:22:47 Logs
00:24:26 Log Groups
00:25:13 Log Streams
00:26:21 Log Events
00:27:10 Log Insights
00:28:49 Discovered Fields
00:30:45 CloudWatch Metrics
00:31:34 Availability of Data
00:32:25 CloudWatch Agent
00:33:57 Host Level Metrics
00:35:24 Custom High Resolution Metrics
00:36:17 Log Collection
00:37:00 Introduction to EventBridge
00:37:45 EventBridge Core Components
00:39:35 EventBridge Anatomy of an Event
00:40:43 EventBridge Scheduled Expressions
00:41:50 EventBridge Rules
00:42:51 EventBridge Configure Input
00:44:20 EventBridge Schema Registry
00:46:40 CloudTrail Events
00:47:32 Event Patterns
00:49:25 Partner Event Sources
00:50:04 CloudWatch Alarms
00:50:52 Anatomy of an Alarm
00:51:57 Alarm Conditions
00:53:52 Composite Alarms
00:54:53 Dashboards
00:55:16 ServiceLens
00:58:01 Synthetics
01:01:49 Contributor Insights
01:03:18 Overview CheatSheet
01:05:07 Logs CheatSheet
01:06:17 Log Insights CheatSheet
01:07:24 Metrics CheatSheet
01:09:42 Alarms CheatSheet
01:11:00 EventBridge CheatSheet

☁️ CloudTrail
01:14:16 Introduction
01:15:47 Event History
01:16:36 Trail Options
01:17:33 CloudTrail to CloudWatch
01:18:08 Management vs Data Events
01:19:25 CloudTrail Overview
01:20:27 Create a Trail
01:23:38 CloudTrail to CloudWatch
01:24:13 Athena
01:26:41 Cheat Sheet

☁️ OpsWorks
01:28:03 Introduction
01:29:53 OpsWorks Stacks
01:32:03 Stacks Users and Permissions
01:33:42 Stacks Lifecycle Events
01:35:22 Stacks Run Command
01:36:33 Stacks App Settings
01:38:07 Stacks Layers
01:39:17 Stack Settings
01:41:03 Linux Security Updates
01:42:39 Load Balancer Layer
01:44:26 Time Load Based Instances
01:46:38 Monitoring Layers
01:47:28 Agent CLI
01:49:06 Chef Automate
01:50:17 Puppet Enterprise
01:51:20 What is Chef
01:54:59 What is Chef Recipe
01:57:25 What is Puppet
01:58:48 Follow Along
02:14:48 Cheat Sheet

☁️ CloudNetworking
02:21:06 OSI Model
02:22:43 TCP IP
02:24:50 OSI 1 Physical Layer
02:25:45 OSI 2 Data Link Layer
02:27:19 OSI 3 Network Layer
02:28:36 OSI 4 Transport Layer
02:31:02 OSI 5 Session Layer
02:32:23 OSI 6 Presentation Layer
02:33:13 OSI 7 Application Layer
02:34:16 Protocol Data Units
02:35:49 Network Interfaces
02:37:25 IP Addresses
02:38:54 IPv4
02:39:46 IPv6
02:40:38 Binary Math
02:43:19 Classful Addressing
02:45:50 Networking Terms
02:47:19 Net and Host ID
02:49:58 Private Address Spaces
02:51:49 Subnet Masks
02:54:45 Reserved Addresses
02:55:52 CIDR
02:57:40 DHCP
02:59:25 The Trials of Subnetting
03:00:38 Challenge 1 VPC Sizing
03:01:03 Challenge 1 Delete Default VPC
03:01:49 Challenge 1 1 Follow Along
03:03:58 Challenge 1 1 Answer
03:05:22 Challenge 1 2 Follow Along
03:07:22 Challenge 1 2 Answer
03:08:41 Challenge 1 3 Follow Along
03:10:20 Challenge 1 3 Answer
03:11:15 Challenge 1 4 Follow Along
03:12:24 Challenge 1 4 Answer
03:13:41 Challenge 2 IPv4 Subnet Chopping
03:15:10 Challenge 2 1 Follow Along
03:17:23 Challenge 2 1 Answer
03:18:32 Challenge 2 2 Follow Along
03:21:09 Challenge 2 2 Answer
03:22:37 Challenge 2 3 Follow Along
03:28:10 Challenge 2 3 Answer
03:29:58 Challenge 2 4 Follow Along
03:32:23 Challenge 2 4 Answer
03:33:12 Challenge 2 5 Follow Along
03:36:07 Challenge 2 5 Answer
03:37:43 Challenge 3 IPv6 Subnet Chopping
03:38:10 Challenge 3 1 Follow Along
03:40:44 Challenge 3 1 Answer
03:41:57 Cheat Sheet

☁️ VPC
03:48:35 VPC Introduction
03:48:57 Core Components
03:50:36 Key Features
03:52:42 Default VPC
03:54:05 Default Everywhere IP
03:54:49 Peering
03:56:24 Route Tables
03:57:23 Internet Gateway IGW
03:58:24 Bastions Jumpbox
03:59:57 Direct Connect

☁️ VPC Endpoints
04:00:51 VPC Endpoint Introduction
04:02:03 Interface Endpoints
04:03:10 Gateway Endpoints
04:03:47 VPC Endpoint Cheat Sheet

☁️ VPC Flow Logs
04:04:32 Introduction to Flow Logs
04:05:41 Log Breakdown
04:06:37 Flow Logs Cheat Sheet

☁️ VPC Follow Along
04:07:42 Create VPC IGW Route Tables and Subnets
04:20:10 Launch an EC2 Instance
04:25:15 SecurityGroups NACLs and Bastion
04:38:12 NAT
04:41:37 VPC Endpoints
04:45:46 VPC Flow Logs
04:48:37 Cleanup

☁️ Service Catalog
04:50:51 Introduction
04:51:20 Anatomy of Service Catalog
04:52:49 Service Catalog Users
04:53:25 Administrator Product
04:54:17 Administrator Portfolio
04:55:10 Administrator Constraints
04:56:20 End User Products
04:57:45 Service Actions
04:58:21 Cheat Sheet

☁️ NAT
04:59:41 Introduction
05:00:27 NAT Comparison
05:02:30 Cheat Sheet

05:04:16 Introduction
05:05:54 Use Case
05:06:32 Cheat Sheet

☁️ Security Groups
05:07:45 Security Groups Introduction
05:09:28 Use Case
05:11:48 Limits
05:12:42 Cheat Sheet

☁️ Route53
05:13:59 Introduction
05:14:48 Use Case
05:15:56 Record Sets
05:17:29 Routing Policies
05:18:43 Simple Routing Policies
05:19:37 Weighted Routing Policies
05:20:39 Latency Based Routing
05:21:47 Failover Routing Policies
05:22:56 Geolocation Routing Policies
05:23:29 Geoproximity Routing Policies
05:25:21 Multi Value Answer Policies
05:25:49 Health Checks
05:26:55 Resolver
05:27:32 Cheat Sheet

☁️ EC2
05:29:40 Introduction
05:31:14 Instance Types
05:33:18 Instance Sizes
05:34:09 Instance Profile
05:35:28 Placement Groups
05:36:58 Userdata
05:37:53 Metadata
05:38:40 Cheat Sheet

☁️ SSM
05:40:33 Introduction
05:42:25 SSM Agent
05:43:41 AWS Managed Policy
05:44:46 Explorer
05:46:16 OpsCenter
05:47:56 OpsItems
05:49:46 Remediation
05:51:08 Related Resources
05:52:02 Resource Groups
05:53:09 AppConfig
05:53:42 Anatomy of AppConfig
05:54:37 Automation
05:55:31 Use Case
05:56:09 Anatomy of Automation
05:57:22 Automation Document
05:58:28 Automation Document Actions
05:59:54 Change Calendar
06:00:32 Maintenance Windows
06:01:02 Compliance
06:01:29 Inventory
06:02:04 Activations
06:02:52 Sessions Manager
06:04:35 Run Command
06:06:21 State Manager
06:07:59 Patch Manager
06:09:17 Distributor
06:10:57 Distributor Manifest File
06:11:51 Distributor Platforms
06:12:33 SSM Documents
06:14:52 Cheat Sheet

☁️ Parameter Store
06:20:08 Introduction
06:22:51 Parameter Policies
06:24:09 CLI Heirarchy

☁️ Secrets Manager
06:25:29 Introduction
06:28:03 Automatic Rotation
06:29:26 CLI
06:30:42 Use Cases

☁️ AMI
06:32:41 Introduction
06:33:52 Use Cases
06:35:10 Marketplace
06:36:02 Choosing an AMI
06:38:05 Create an AMI
06:38:23 Copying an AMI
06:38:47 Cheat Sheet

☁️ ELB
06:40:14 Introduction
06:41:02 Rules of Traffic
06:43:13 Application Load Balancer ALB
06:44:04 Network Load Balancer NLB
06:44:36 Classic Load Balancer CLB
06:45:38 Sticky Sessions
06:46:35 X Forwarded For Header
06:47:32 Health Checks
06:48:34 Cross Zone Load Balancing
06:49:28 Request Routing
06:50:39 Cheat Sheet

☁️ ASG
06:52:28 Introduction
06:53:06 Capacity Settings
06:54:17 Health Check Replacements
06:55:38 Scaling Policies
06:57:27 ELB Integration
06:58:17 Use Case
06:59:19 Launch Configuration
07:00:51 Follow Along
07:16:51 Cheat Sheet

☁️ EBS
07:18:19 Introduction
07:20:05 Volume Types
07:22:57 Medium HDD
07:24:09 Medium SSD
07:24:50 Magnetic Tapes
07:25:32 Moving Volumes
07:26:26 Encrypted Root Volumes
07:27:48 EBS vs Instance Store Volumes
07:30:11 Cheat Sheet

☁️ Storage Gateway
07:31:50 Introduction
07:33:07 File Gateway
07:34:00 Volume Gateway
07:37:02 Tape Gateway
07:38:18 Cheat Sheet

☁️ ElastiCache
07:39:35 Introduction
07:41:45 Caching Comparison
07:43:17 Cheat Sheet

☁️ IAM
07:43:59 Introduction
07:44:12 Core Components
07:46:43 Types of Policies
07:47:43 Policy Structure
07:50:09 Password Policy
07:50:35 Access Keys
07:51:20 Multi factor Authentication
07:52:08 Follow Along
08:00:50 Cheat Sheet

☁️ S3
08:02:43 Introduction
08:05:01 Storage Classes
08:07:20 Storage Class Comparison
08:09:14 Security
08:11:20 Encryption
08:12:44 Data Consistency
08:13:48 Cross Region Replication
08:14:26 Versioning
08:15:54 Lifecycle Management
08:16:43 Transfer Acceleration
08:17:30 Presigned URLs
08:18:57 MFA Delete
08:19:54 Create and Delete Bucket
08:21:52 Upload Files And Make Public
08:24:46 Versioning
08:30:50 Encryption
08:33:00 S3 CLI
08:38:15 Lifecycle Policies
08:40:47 Cross Region Replication
08:43:29 Bucket Policies
08:46:44 Cheat Sheet

☁️ Glacier
08:53:31 Introduction
08:54:27 Use Cases
08:55:35 Security
08:57:00 Data Model
08:58:24 Notification Configuration
08:59:44 Job Operations
09:01:15 Vault Inventory
09:02:40 Archive Reterival
09:03:45 Glacier Select
09:05:48 Retrieval Times
09:08:07 Uploading Archives
09:09:59 Deleting Vaults
09:10:51 Vault Access Policies
09:11:31 Vault Lock
09:13:20 Policy Controls
09:14:29 Data Retrivel Policies
09:15:36 Provisioned Capacity
09:16:25 Archive Metadata
09:17:50 Cheat Sheet

☁️ Snowball
09:21:59 Snowball
09:23:53 Snowball Edge
09:25:15 Snowmobile
09:26:00 Cheat Sheet

☁️ RDS
09:27:41 Introduction
09:28:20 Encryption
09:29:02 Backups
09:30:27 Restoring Backups
09:31:22 Multi AZ
09:32:22 Read Replicas
09:33:21 Multi AZ vs Read Replicas
09:34:44 Create an Instance
09:46:07 Performance Insights
09:47:36 Reserved Instances
09:50:04 Working with Snapshots
09:57:01 Aurora Serverless
10:04:37 Cheat Sheet

☁️ DynamoDB
10:06:40 Introduction
10:08:39 Table Structure
10:09:16 Consistent Reads
10:10:57 Cheat Sheet

☁️ CloudFormation
10:12:07 Introduction
10:14:06 Template Formats
10:14:53 Template Anatomy
10:17:53 QuickStarts
10:18:44 Stack Updates
10:22:12 Prevent Stack Updates
10:23:04 Nested Stacks
10:24:20 Rollbacks
10:25:29 Drift Detection
10:27:52 Pseudo Parameters
10:28:55 Resource Attributes
10:31:02 Intrinstic Functions
10:34:03 Ref And Get Attr
10:36:51 Wait Conditions
10:38:52 Follow Along
11:12:25 Cheat Sheet

☁️ ECS
11:18:13 Introduction
11:20:04 Creating a Cluster
11:21:31 Task Definition
11:22:42 ECR
11:23:23 Follow Along

☁️ Elastic Beanstalk
11:38:24 Introduction
11:41:38 Supported Languages
11:42:17 Web vs Worker Environment
11:44:07 Web Environment Types


Cheatsheets if you are reviewing for exam preparation:
01:03:16 CloudWatch
01:26:41 CloudTrail
02:14:48 OpsWorks
03:51:57 CloudNetworking
04:03:47 VPC Endpoints
04:06:37 VPC FlowLogs
04:58:21 ServiceCatalog
05:02:30 NAT Gateways
05:06:32 NACL
05:12:42 Security Groups
05:27:32 Route53
05:38:40 EC2
06:14:52 SSM
06:38:47 AMI
06:50:39 ELB
07:16:51 ASG
07:30:11 EBS
07:38:18 StorageGateway
07:43:17 ElastiCache
08:00:50 IAM
08:46:44 S3
09:17:50 Glacier
09:26:00 Snowball
10:04:37 RDS
10:10:57 DynamoDB
11:12:25 CloudFormation


Hi, today I cleared my AWS SysOps Associate exam. Thank you so much for the course, I literally just went through your course and bought practise exams and that was it. Thanks, please keep pushing out more free courses like this to help others.


Yesterday I have cleared my AWS SysOps Associate exam. Thank you so much for the course.


I dont know why the hell people dislike such treasures. Man its all for free. If you dont like the content then walk away.
Why dislike?🙄.
God bless these people.


Thank you Andrew Brown for your wonderful course. Today I passed my Sysops Associate exam


The best youtube channel regarding Developing and anything related IT


Amazing Stuff. I used the AWS Developer course uploaded on here and passed the exam. Time to LEARN


Currently, studying for the SysOps Administrator! So thank you Andrew and freecodecamp! As others noted, around 00:10:09 mark. Andrew is discussing the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam, but showing the correct slides for the SysOps SOC-C01 exam. Best wishes!


wow this is like in depth not just for passing exams but for actually working with services. thank you so much. better than so many paid courses.


After 2 failed attempts I found this course and was able to pass on my 3rd try. Thank you so much for putting this together.


This is an awesome tutorial I must admit! I used to think the SysOps exam was really difficult, turns out I already know most of what I need to know and your explanations about the extras I need are just too good! Thanks man!


Half way home, Andrew. I really like how you time-stamped the topics to make it easier to re-visit. So, there you go! 👊


Thank you so much, was anxiously waiting for this. Planning to take exam in 3 weeks. 👍


Oh yes, I've been waiting for it since a few months !
Get ready here I go !


Passed the developer associate with help from your course! Now working on Sysops


I love his videos but I often find issues with the audio and video syncing. Have a look at around 12:00. What he is saying doesn't match the bullets on the screen. Love his style though, helped me pass the Cloud Practitioner and Solutions Architect tests.


I thought this was an 11 minute full course at first - Thanks


Just passed SOA-C01 studying watching this video. Thanks, Andrew Brown and FreeCodeCamp!


I am sure those dislikes are from paid udemy and other tutorial sites instructors.These videos are treasures of knowledge..
