Her DIY $9k Bus Tiny House - Art Studio on Board

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Rita and her pup live full-time in this 2001 Ford shuttle bus named Wilbur. With childhood memories of road trips and family members traveling in homes on wheels, it’s in her system to be a nomad! As an artist, her design is based around the studio where she can comfortably create and pursue her passion.

The kitchen is creative and authentic, with a bucket for a sink, a tea dispenser for the faucet, and other fun additions. Rita originally designed a beautiful shower pan but quickly learned she usually had access to rivers or a gym. So, she changed the shower into a hanging clothes closet and storage to hide the compost toilet. To save space for daily living, she has a queen-sized bed that pushes up to a couch during the day. This lovely nomad encourages anyone who wants to live tiny to get out there and make it happen no matter your budget!

00:00 Introduction
00:37 Shuttle Bus Kitchen
03:34 Shuttle Bus Art Studio
04:37 Why Nomad Life
06:14 Shuttle Bus Bedroom/Living Room
08:08 Traveling Solo Female
09:20 Shuttle Bus Closet
10:35 Shuttle Bus Cab
14:13 Advice to Future Nomads

Shot by: @brian_bear_butler
Edited by: @filmbro_

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I love how she is an unapologetic about not being a minimalist. She has things and is not afraid to have them. Finally someone I can relate to!!


THANK YOU!!!! I am SO SICK of seeing all these "perfectly" built vans & buses. THIS is what I call a conversion van/bus. You've surrounded yourself with the things that are truly important to you & have some sentimental appeal. The fact that you did this all yourself is just wonderful. And your little Dragon....could he/she BE any CUTER? I hope you have, or are going to create a youtube channel of your own. I would definitely watch. Thank you for sharing & GOD bless you.


An ol' wash-bucket for a sink, a dog named Dragon, a traveling l -i-b-r-a-r-y AND an art studio???!!! After two years of viewing and carefully considering the homes of Nomads I, after seeing yours, can now say, "And the winner IZZZ....Rita and Wilbur!!" (Hope to see you down the road someday.)


This woman is a breath of fresh air on YouTube. Love her authenticity and the story about her grandfather! Thank you for keeping it real in a world full of people who just want followers!


So beautiful! She's being a bit modest about the build, but how impressive that she did it for only $9000 and didn't take years! Amazing!


This is the only vanlife house that I could see myself living in; from the coffee bar to the art studio to the books to the dogs; it all look so cozy and warm and home like. Love this!


Love your It is so homey. I would prefer to live in this as compared to those over the top builds. So


I am 71 and have designed jewelry, sew, and painted since I was 6. Before my husband passed 4 years ago we would haul our van on the back of our class C. We took our 3 cats with us when we traveled. Its amazing what you have done and the dog looks so happy. My husband named our camper Lola. Sadly I had 2 strokes so the travel became difficult. We did craft shows all over and my beading and painting are still things I can do just not like you. But we need to Seymore of you art. What we saw was wonderful. Enjoy that lifestyle. Its so much fun.


She proved you don't have to spend alot to make a home. Very cute home, love her sink.


This young woman has a head on her shoulders And I really love her outlook on life On the road And building her vehicle


That ice tea container sink idea is genius! She’s awesome! I wish she did vlogs on YouTube while on the road.


A library and craft supplies help to make any house a home!! Nice job!


I absolutely love how real she is and that she did this so cheaply. I'm extremely poor and don't get any use out of watching these fancier and expensive builds so seeing cheap ideas is so refreshing. Her adventure home is cozy and inviting which is what it's all about.


Such a beautiful rich history from her grandparents in the 70s. I see how she caught the wonderful traveling bug! And her tiny house looks so comfy and homey! It reminds me of the hippie vans, but just bigger, but no less special! 😊


Of all the videos I've seen of vans, this one is my favorite. She's real. Her bus is homey and comfortable she isn't looking for perfection, just what's going to work for her!
I also love that there's finally someone who can show that you don't have to be a minimalist to do this type of lifestyle.
It's a beautiful van! Well done!!


You’re a kindred spirit! I’m a much older artist who has dreamed of doing exactly what you’re doing. I love the boho feel you’ve created! The whole bus looks just like a space I’d create. So beautiful! Thanks for inspiring this old gal!


You are awesome. I love your bus. You had me at art studio.


I agree with so many others here, a very unique bus. I like that you opened up the library area!


The interior resembles a country kitchen from the 1960's and I really like this look...


Gorgeous scenery! Super cozy home! Pups make it extra wonderful. Perfection...not a piece a sh*t, lol. This was so inspiring because she did this herself with zero skills. And the espresso machine is the bomb. The earthy colors and wood are lovely. I loved her stories of her grandparents!
