6 Things People With Depression Want You to Know (PART 2)

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Do you know someone suffering from depression? Do you wonder what’s going on in their minds? Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people.

To watch PART 1, click on the link below:

6 Things People With Depression Want You to Know (PART 1)

If you are feeling depressed or contemplating suicide please remember that you are not alone.

Suicide Hotlines:
America: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Canada: 1-866-531-2600
Australia: 13 11 14
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90
Beijing: 0800-810-1117
Hong Kong: +852 28 960 000
Japan/Tokyo: 81 (0) 3 5286 9090
Brazil: 55 11 31514109 or (91) 3223-0074
Mexico: 9453777
Malaysia: 03-76272929
Germany: 0800 111 0 111
Russia: (495) 625 3101
India: 91-22-27546669
Iran: 1480
South Africa: 0800 12 13 14

This is only a short list of a few countries, however there is always somebody to reach out to.

DISCLAIMER: This is for educational purposes only and based on personal experiences. This is not a substitute for professional advice, but general guidance. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

Writer: Chenelle Loo
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Minh Nguyen
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
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Lets lift each other up in the comments with a positive affirmation. Here is the part 1 of 6 Things People With Depression Want You to Know


Sadness claws unforgivingly at my heart, no one around me seems to care although they have reassured me many times. Darkness blooms around me, drowning me in an ocean of despair. No matter how hard I try, my voice can not be heard. I keep searching in hopes of finding something, but the waves of failure crash down upon me. The hopeless voice chained up inside my head tells me I will never be recognized.


"Do not compare sufferings." When I was depressed, my brother would tell me that his problems were bigger than mine (he had a job that was mistreating him). Every time he said that, he invalidated my own feelings and only made me feel worse.


I think depression is so incredibly powerful not only because of the pain and everything else, but it's so overlooked and constantly misinterpreted. That's what makes it extremely dangerous in my opinion


What do you think of when you think of the word “depression”?

It’s like living in a body that’s fighting to survive with a mind that’s trying to die.


“Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they’re going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. It’s hard to be a friend to someone who’s depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do.”
― Stephen Fry


1. 0:24 Depression has nothing to do with being weak
2. 1:06 It's important to be aware of their common triggers
3. 1:39 Don't make them feel like they are wrong if they talk about suicide
4. 2:32 Do not compare sufferings
5. 3:26 Do not judge their way of coping
6. 3:51 Give them space

I hope you find wisdom on the advices I give on my videos 😊


The worst is Living with father who doesn't understand depression
I confronted and spoke about it
All he could do is blame me for everything
Lowering my self esteem in every single possible way and blaming me for all my short comings and for everything
If He cant just Understand
Then simply just dont blame for
Sometimes Even living is an Act of Bravery


For whomever depressed person who sees this, I just wanted to personally tell you to don't give up whether things gets really tough like your in the middle of the storm because regardless of how long it last there's always an end to it.

Here's a Free Hug from another Survivor 🤗, Remember everything is temporary that applies to Depression.


Depression feels like a strong hydraulic press or gravitational pull on my brain and sometimes entire body. My head feels so numb both emotionally and physically that fighting it off is extremely difficult. Now it’s deeper than ever, so deep that I often don’t have the will, strength, or energy to do anything anymore. At least that’s my personal experience with it.


The thing i hate the most is the question "how or why are u even feeling like this?" or "what's the thing that's making you feel like this?"
Well my mom always does that.


I cried while watching this because it’s so true. Felt so good to have someone finally understand me.


I suffer from depression, during the lockdown, all we got is space, i feel its important for depressed people to have support so they don't feel lonely, being alone just makes it so much more harder to deal with things.


1. depression has nothing to do with being weak 0:24
2. it's important to be aware of their common triggers 1:06
3. don't make them feel like they are wrong if they talk about suicide 1:39
4. do not compare sufferings 2:32
5. do not judge their way of coping 3:26
6. give them space 3:51
I hope I could help!


A lot people say:
"You don't have depression, you are happy sometimes, you go to school with your head up, you do stuff and you don't stay in your room all day snd cry" these make us feel like how we suffer isn't that bad and that we are drama queens. Its hard


I’ve suffered through depression all my adult life. Some caused by my environment and others by genetics. What has helped me is having a person who listens to me without passing judgement. Having someone to talk to without giving suggestions or advice has helped me most.


The mind is a loyal servant but also the most dangerous master🙏🌺🌿


The last one happend to me a lot of the time . There was this girl that I met on a group chat and she kept calling me texting me even when I asked her to stop and whenever I asked to leave the call she kept asking for minutes and it was really annoying. She kept pushing me to go on the call even though she wasn’t even doing anything.I had the confidence to tell her to leave me alone for some time and give me space but she still wouldn’t do it. It was really tiring and overwhelming for me and I tried multiple to times to block her and delete her from my contacts but she still managed to message me and then my mum deleted her from my contacts for ever so it is very important to give some one their space if they really do need it because it can overwhelm them and affect their mental health to.


You have such a claming voice also you have helped me a lot with anxiety and stress thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


A mountain won't exist without a depression to be higher than.... Well talking about depression, for everyone having depression (like me), always remember the sentence I mentioned above. Your depression is a hint for the huge height waiting for you to reach it. You just gotta go step by step until you reach the top. Every little step counts so consistency is key. Every time you delay taking atleast a tiny step, you then also delay the moment of reaching the peak.
