Watch this before you consider buying a Sportster 1200

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This was my first Harley in '95... 25 years later... still riding the same bike. Love it. I may pick up a bagger when I retire, but I'll give up this one when they pry it from my cold dead crotch.


People who talk smack on the Harley. 99% of them have never ridden one. Had my 1st one in 1959. 1938 45 flat head . semper fi


There is too much "brand bashing"! What does it matter as long as your getting wind? If you are a small framed person sportster or don't have a ton of money, sportsters can be wonderful! If your sportster doesn't have enough top end, CHANGE YOUR GEAR RATIOS! Yes, the older ironhead needed a 5th gear, but I currently own 4 ironheads. You cannot have BOTH torque and speed, 1 must sacrifice for the other. My bikes are built for how I feel like riding that day. I have a sporty that I can highway ride at over 100mph ALL DAY. My bikes are all very dependable, fun, and didn't cost me $10, 000! I can add up the purchase price, the mods I want to make it the way I want it, and all the accessories I want for well under what the purchase price for a big twin or rocket! It boils down to each individual.PLEASE GUYS, GETTING SOME WIND IS GETTING SOME WIND. There are too many "cages" trying to take us out to worry about ANYTHING else! Ride what YOU like, as long as we are getting out and getting wind. THAT is LIVE TO RIDE, RIDE TO LIVE! Look out for each other guys, life is WAY TOO SHORT to do anything BUT! Stay safe, ride free!


I did 1, 500 miles on mine in three days. It never missed a beat. Best bike I ever had.


Ive had my 2015 sportster XL 1200 for a month now and ive already put 2000 miles on it. My first bike ever and im glad I got it. Ive wanted a sportster for a decade now since i was 16. Lol


I bought a Sportster 1200 simply because it was the best of what I could afford at the time.
I liked the sound a lot, even though I never particularly liked v twins.
Anyway, it was probably the perfect bike for 30-45 min trips. Not so fast you can't beat on it, but not so slow you feel underpowered. In that middle area where you can have fun without getting arrested 😉.


Point well taken “It’s really hard for me to not have fun on a motorcycle”! It doesn’t matter what bike you’re riding as long as you’re riding. I have different bikes for different reasons and love them all. I even have a blast when I’m cruising around town on my grom. All know is, there’s a smile on my face when I’m on two wheels not matter what bike it is.


My 96 Sporty 1200 does 0-60 in 4 seconds. Same as the 96 Porsche 911 and a lot less expensive. It ran like crap until I did multiple oil changes every 50 miles with Seafoam added to the oil, and new plugs and air filter. A little basic maintenance worked wonders. Also added a little Lucas to the fuel. Full throttle in 1st up to 40 mph and then full throttle in 2nd and you are over 60 mph in a few short seconds. So much torque I had to shim up the bars with a little piece of copper sheet metal. It was pretty terrifying when I first romped on it and the bars got pulled back. It has Screaming Eagle exhaust and ignition and that probably helps too.
It's a ton of fun and looks and sounds great too.


I bought my 1200 Sporty in 2004 when they rubber mounted the motor for the first time. Jetted the carb, added forward controls and mini apes to stretch her out. Add a comfy seat and you can ride all day long.


Don't let the size of a bike stop you from making a long run.  Many times I have loaded my solo seater with nothing but a bar bag filled with fresh undies and left the country.  Travelin' light and easy...


Great video! Had heart surgery 4 years ago and reluctantly sold my Triumph Speed Triple. Just bought my first since all that happened...a 2006 sportster 1200. It’s a freaking blast! Your video definitely helped sell me on it. Went back and forth for a bit on whether I’d be “happy “ with a cruiser but I have to say after never owning a Harley before...this thing puts a smile on my face every time I crank it up!


My first Harley was a 2000 1200 Custom, just like the video, black, powder coating and chrome everywhere, 21" front wheel....great looking bike, a ton of power, quick... the bike would reliably take you around the world because that 1200 is bullet proof, the longest run Engine ever made by Harley. Only drawback obviously is comfort, after an hour you are feeling it....whereas a RoadKing you can put in an 8 hour shift like your living room also give up about 300lbs on the bigger bikes, so you can get blown around on the highway by the rigs.


I Bought my 2006 1200 custom sportster new in 2006 of course and have 70+ thousand miles on it I Love the bike Love the look, the sound and love to ride her!🤘🏻😎🤘🏻


I am a 5'3" female and the sportster is what I chose to buy as my first bike. It fits me so well and is comfortable. I'd never knock anyone no matter what they ride. ❤


Owned a 98 with Harley Racing Colors. Great bike. Rode with some cool guys each Monday. All different bikes. One guy would always call my bike a “baby”. Eventually he was kicked out of our group. Since then, I’ve owned a bunch of bikes including VTX1300, Valkyrie 1500 and GL1800. He’s probably still stuck on his one Harley.
When I ride, I wave at everyone, even if they are on a scooter. 2 wheels is 2 wheels. God Bless 🙏🏽


My buddy and I rode our sportsters 4 hours out to Lone Star Rally in Galveston, TX. It was quite fun, they did the run pretty well.


I just got an 88 1200 Sportster I've been working on it for a little while and I absolutely love it


Sportster as always been a iconic model and great seller. Lots of fun to throw around and such a great sound! I sure hope Harley Davidson doesn’t discontinue the Sportster as been rumored.


All these people talking about Sportsters only being good for short trips. What’s with that? I live in Australia and I don’t see the problem with long rides on a Sporty. I’m 63 years old and ridden Triumph Bonnevilles and Tigers most of my life.
I’ve got a ‘97 883 with a 2-1 exhaust system and slightly taller gearing and I’ve ridden her to Queensland and back to Victoria (a round trip of about 2, 100 miles) several times in the ten years I’had her. I’ve never had any issues with reliability, either. I have stock pegs and highway pegs, so I can vary my riding position quite a bit and I do the trip up North in three days or so, which isn’t bad. What I love about the Sporty is that it likes to rev and the 883 is better balanced as far as piston weight is concerned, so it will rev higher than the factory 1200s. With the final drive belt sprocket two teeth more than the stock unit, the revs drop by about 300-350 at highway speeds, but if I want to throw it around some twisting mountain roads, the engine is tractable enough that I can leave it in third gear and just throttle on and off again, using the brakes hardly at all. One of the best bikes I’ve ever owned. Looks good, sounds good and does everything I want it to. Been thinking about a 1250 kit which has lightweight pistons, which I’ll import from the US because parts are staggeringly expensive here, compared to the USA.
The last time I looked, a brand new 1200 Sporty cost about $20k here, so that gives you some idea of how lucky you are in the States. Love the videos and the Bible verses Bro!


I got an Iron 1200 did a stage 1 and tuned it and it definitely keeps up on the freeway. Easily can stay at 90mph. Im 5'10 180lb but my wife will get it and I will up grade to a Road King in a couple years.
