Trump Begging Saudi Arabia for Oil, Their Response Was Genius

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"As part of the Trump administration’s push to expand U.S. energy production, federal officials will review and consider redrawing the boundaries of national monuments created under previous presidents to protect unique landscapes and cultural resources.

The review — laid out in a Monday order from new Interior Secretary Doug Burgum — is raising alarms among conservation groups concerned that President Donald Trump will shrink or eliminate monuments established by his predecessors, including Democrat Joe Biden."*


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It's almost as if Trump has no idea what he is doing.


What about your drill baby drill? Trump is not only ignorant, he's just plain stupid.


Why in the world would Saudi Arabia bring down the price of oil when they would lose money, and Trump keeps talking about ethnically cleansing and taking over the Gaza Strip?


His lordship is finding out that his authoritarian beliefs really don't hold squat on the world stage! The art of the deal. How are those tariffs working out?


Just another example of how little Trump really understands world economics and international politics.


I'm Canadian, we were selling our oil at a discounted price. Look it up. So he ruins that then asks for more oil. Explain that to me. Lmao.


I swear Donald Trump does not understand business (6 bankruptcies) and understands running a healthy country even less.


Didnt this moron say USA had more oil than we know what to do with? Now he's begging.


People are saying Saudi Arabia wants their $3B back from Jared, they've paid him $112M in fees for a hedge fund that's never turned a profit.


He had that from Canada, but he decides to go piss everyone off with his tariffs, so 🇨🇦 retaliates… Bravo Donald.


This president has absolutely no idea what he is doing.


If America is glutted with so much oil-- why is Trump begging SadiArabia to bring down the price of oil????,


For the first time ever when someone is talking about an idiot, 90% of the entire world knows who they are talking about.


Drill baby drill, and now he's begging Saudi Arabia for oil cause he messed up his trade with Canadian's oil lol


Trump said he didn't need anything from Canada. Now he put tariffs on it, raising the prices. Then asked Saudi Arabia for cheap oil. How stupid can someone be!


Drill baby drill is like build that wall, will never happen 😂


Take a look at Norway and see how they have managed their oil production. They have saved the revenues in a fund aimed at supporting future generations!
Norway's approach to managing oil revenues through their sovereign wealth fund is indeed impressive. It's a great example of planning for long-term sustainability. 🌍


Oh hang on... didn't Trump say the other day that "we have alot of oil, more than anyone else in the


Why would Saudi Arabia take a big financial hit to help the USA and the rest of the world?
What country would do that?


So Saudi Arabia sent him packing. He tariffed Canadian oil, and Canada is tariffing him back. This must be some next-level genius play because I certainly don't see how things are better for the USA.
