which jane austen hero is the best book bf???

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One thing I do want to say is that Jane Austen is often misconstrued as Romance, but by our current standards, I wouldn’t say her books are romances. They’re more about societal commentary, and reflections on the flaws she perceived in society.


Even if you’re not going to read more Austen, I still think P&P is still worth the read. Lizzie and Darcy are very complex characters and have some fantastic development.


Please at least read Pride and Prejudice. There is a reason it’s her most popular book. In my opinion it’s far superior to all her others. The characters, pacing, plot, and romance are just so much better. And Darcy is just amazing! He’s top tier book boyfriend material for sure!


Frederick Wentworth is my dream, he is the reason why I re-read persuasion every single year! I mean, that letter alone is gold.


Definitely watch the Sense and Sensibility movie!!! Alan Rickman is so good it and he really rounds out the character of Brandon!!!


Mr Knightley is my fave of the Austen heroes. Not only because of Johnny Flynn, but he is a factor haha


I’ve read all of Austen’s novels and Emma is my favorite by far. The miniseries starring Jonny Lee Miller as Knightly is superb. And yes, I agree that you’ll have a better appreciation of Sense & Sensibility after watching the movie. Alan Rickman brought a lot of heart and soul to an otherwise unremarkable character.


All of your thoughts are so valid!! I definitely recommend watching the 1995 adaptations of persuasion and sense and sensibility, even if they don’t change your opinions they’re at least beautiful films :)


the 2020 emma adaptation made me fall more in love with the book, it was so perfect! honestly p&p, emma, and northanger abbey are *the* jane austen books for me; i do like all of her works, some more than others, but those three i keep rereading over and over again


I think it's always hard to read Austen for the first time. Especially because the adaptations are so romance focused, but the books are a little less so. And the way you could portray love and romance was different, maybe especially for women. If I read an Austen book for the romance specifically i always find it hard because I feel like there are scenes I would like to see and emotions I would like to have more access to. But on re-reads they've become some of my favourite books because they're just so layered and it's so much more a snapshot of society and human nature than they are romances, I think? Not that there's anything wrong about reading them for the romance. I just feel that if I do that, then I would find them lacking because they don't give as much of a pay off emotionally as a lot of modern romances do!


I loved your takes, even as a diehard fan! I think that because I grew up watching every adaptation ever with my mom and sisters, the books mean way more to me. I also just love the dialogue. Concept for a video - how about a “most iconic proposal speech” smackdown, and you can include Pride & Prejudice in that. Modern romances to me are totally devoid of good speeches and I’d love to have that disproven to me! Also, you’ve gotta watch the Ang Lee Sense & Sensibility, which Emma Thompson wrote the screenplay for ❤


i don't think i've seen it in any comments but Henry Tilney from Northanger Abbey is my personal favorite Austen hero (also my favorite Austen work, it reads a lot more easily than P&P), upon reading it earlier this year he pretty quickly bumped Darcy down to runner-up, he's just SO charming and charismatic.


I feel like Jane Austen usually takes reading it twice to appreciate it fully. I didn't love pride and prejudice the first time I read it, but it became my favorite book after 1 reread. I'd really encourage you to read pride and prejudice as well. It is her best work, and it literally created the enemies to lovers trope you see in modern romances today. Like every modern romance book is inspired by pride and prejudice, and I think if you like romance novels it is a must-read.


I always have to make character charts with Jane Austen novels bc they’re all named Jane/Elizabeth/mary


Yay, Mr. Knightley! Yay, Johnny Flynn! The 2020 adaptation of Emma definitely helped me appreciate and visualize the events of the book. What I love about the 2020 cast is that they deliver the lines from the book with such a "modern sounding" rhythm. When Johnny Flynn said, "It was badly done, indeed!" His version has the most impact on me compared to the other actors I've seen as Mr. Knightley. While Johnny Flynn definitely made Mr. Knightley sexy, I have noticed that he is the Austen romantic hero with the most chemistry with his heroine. When Anya Taylor-Joy and Johnny Flynn were fighting over Harriet and Mr. Martin, the energy they had in that scene was the kind that I imagined when I read Emma years ago.
As a modern gal like you, I did struggle with Jane Austen novels. But now that I'm in my 30s, and I've done my research to better understand the social context of the times, I have better appreciation for these novels. Please read Pride and Prejudice. It is the mother of the enemies-to-lovers trope in modern romances in my opinion, and I think that might appeal to you. :)


As soon as you said you would be reading them as romances I knew you wouldn't have a great time. Because they're not romances, they're satires. Only Emma and Pride and Prejudice can work if you go in expecting romances.

You might want to watch the 1995 Pride and Prejudice mini series instead of of reading it since you said it the books didn't really come to life for you. It stays close to the original and translates its intent the best, though it has some odd directional choices (not wet Colin Firth tough, love wet Colin Firth). If you do want to consume the original I would recommend the Emilia Fox audio book, she really brings the story to life and it's probably my favourite way to consume the story. I can already tell you, you will not like Mansfield park, the romance is minute, Fanny is not Austen's easiest main character and it's a critique on the class system. If you're not into that sort of thing it is absolutely not worth the read. Northanger Abbey is only worth it if you enjoy the ridiculousness Gothic literature. That is what Austen satirises and you do have to be in on the joke in order to enjoy it.

And definitely still watch the 1995 Sense and Sensibility even though you didn't like to book. It's an amazing movie, the acting is top-notch and it is 100% more romantic than the book. I saw it before I read the book and never in my life have I felt so bamboozled as I did by book Edward.


Mr. Knightly is My favorite adaptation of Emma is Clueless... Paul Rudd, man 😍😍😍


I was hangover once and Sense & Sensibility BBC mini series was on tv : good. I love it more than the book and the movie! It’s still a comfort rewatch for me to this day ❤


your timing is impeccable 😂 I just saw the 2020 Emma movie last night


As someone who absolutely detested pride and prejudice the first time I read it. It wasn't until a friend told me to read it not as a serious novel but as a comedy with satirical remarks on society that I learn to love that book. That's that I've never read any other book by Jane Austen.
