The dog saves child #hero #dog #shorts

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Luckily this was clearly a training exercise, the guy had a massive protective suit on. I love how dogs tails wag when they "get their man", because they know they'll get their reward from their trainer for "catching the bad guy". It's just too freaking wholesome in the midst of a potentially scary situation


I thought the dude was trying to stop the kid from going into the street...


That guy has a dog bite protection combination and his gestures are rather calm.


We don't know if it is training for the dog, but for now let's assume that it is not...Here I see a careless mother who left her baby with other children, she leaves and the baby walks towards the street where the cars are, the man runs to save the baby from being run over The dog attacks him and the baby, scared, returns to where his mother had originally left him...Here for me the real hero would have been the man, if that dog had not attacked him.


I assumed he was saving the kids life walking onto the road!


Yeah, I'm not sure about this one. The dude could of been trying to stop the child from running in the street. But I agree it looks more like a training exercise. The man looks like he is wearing bite gear. But he doesn't have gloves on.


Judging by that sincere criminal lean the trainer was doing, it was a training exercise


This was an exercise. I do similar ones with my 3 Malinois.
My kids can go on a walk and they take all 3 dogs. They are trained that one stays on each side and one walks behind them. You'll see the dogs eye the kids look around, eyes rhe kids and back and forth. The dogs on the side will stay with their heads just in front of the kids hips in case the dogs needs to nudge them and the dogs use that contact to know they are still on position and feel when the kid next to them moves. The dog behind will zig zag looking behind them then at them repeat. Also each dog takes turns at each position.

They will line up and sit before the kids take off. The kids will call them by name and call a position (Links, Rechts or Zuruck and they know where to go. So Xena Links. Zeus Rechts, Onyx Zuruck.

No matter how you call it they get in place.

These dogs average about 20 to 30 commands in German with hand signals. Theres also mutiple variations to come commands. So pretty much different aspects of one command depending on how its being used of its being used in combination with other commands.

I've also trained them that if one of the kids leaves the group the trailing dog will follow them bark and nudge them back to the group.

If anyone gets close the dogs without the kids giving them the "that person or persons is okay" commands the dogs would stand and bark over and over until they back up. If they get closer and arent responding to the dogs the dogs will start showing teeth and doing what i call pump fakes or flase charges. Where they lunge like their about to attack but dont.

The kids where taught to start backing away and tell the approaching person or persons approaching very loudly and sternly while pointing and shaking their heads no that their dogs ARE NOT friendly and they needed to please back away. If the person or persons did not the dogs would get more and more vocal and and then do the lunges. If that didnt work theyd actually nip at them and try to redirect them. The dogs WOULD NOT attack unless given a command or that person or persons made a move towards or touched one of the kids. At that point theyve been given every opportunity.

I put alot of work into training them to effectively defend those children with the highest level of restraint. Ivr trained them thay an attack or biting is ultimately a last resort after other progressivly more extreme measures didnt work.

That dont mean the dogs wont immediately attack if the situation warrants it. But theu know when to do what and are trained that the goal is avoiding confrontation if possible to keep the lods safe.

The kids knew how to command the dogs. They have a list of German commands aswell as silent hand signals.

Whats great is that the kids can take them too a park and the dogs will let them play and warch them and even let the kids socialize them with other animals and people.

I spent thoudands of hours since these dogs where pups working with them and all 4 of my kods together with the entire family. Those dogs can be conteolled by those kids just aswell as myself. And those dogs have been trained for so many situation Im confident that they will make the best decision eveytime and wont pose a danger to the public or anyone that doesn't warrant it.

Ive even trained them to identify if a kids runs up to them while they are walking with the kids. Becausr I dont want some kid who dont know any better or maybe even mentally handicapped to run up on the my kids and my dogs and get bit.

Its a sight to see hoe amazing these dogs are overall! Its even more fun seeing us running the dogs through exercises with me wearing the sleeve or full bite suit. Theres a bunch of comical stuff they do too that the kids like to do with them to show off.

I also do some tracking with them too. I dont get to do as many of the tracking exercises with them as id like. Usually for that we like to take them out to a family members farm where theres some wooded areas and different types of surroundings.

Dogs are amazing and definitely the Malinois breed!
If you dont know the Malinois do your research!


I thought the Starman was keeping the child from running in the street.


Dude was trying to help that horrible mother


😂😂😂 I know it's training but it's hilarious 😂😂😂


Luckily that poor man had a training suit on and i bet thats the last time he stops a toddler from being coached over off csmera to its parent for the videos sake


I was bout ta get super mad at tha mum fa tha way she jus walked away, , Then saw tha trainiin suit..


Entrenamiento...traía traje gracias a Dios


I saw this, it's training for a dog!


El hombre trae traje especial para mordeduras caninas


What's up with man posting nothing but fake or training videos


Man look how fake this is. There training the dog or its just planned out. You can see that the man has one of those dog bite proof suits on so the man doesn't get hurt whenever he gets bit. Like look how big that man's arms are. You can clearly see the padding and also if dudes arms were that big really he could just started punching the dog and the dog would ran away or been in a lot of pain
