EVERYTHING You Need To Know About Oxalic Acid + HOW To Use It / Beekeeping 101 #beekeeping

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We are getting to close to the time of year when varroa becomes an important thought on our minds... vaporizing a bee hive with oxalic acid is one of my favorite treatments to use to treat for varroa mites because it is the least harsh on the bees and doesn't have a whole lot of side effects like some of the other treatments have. So I hope this video helps in your search for your varroa mite management practice!
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My most recent blog post Beekeeping Conspiracies?? vvv
The Honey Cast...
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For 10% off on all Hive Alive products use code Emily10
My most recent blog post Beekeeping Conspiracies?? vvv
The Honey Cast...
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