What happens to the boys in FLDS polygamy? #exmormon #lds #exmo #polygamy

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One of my earliest memories of interacting with someone who had been from the mormon church was one of my aunt's students when i was maybe 7. He had been adopted at 13 years old bc his parents whipped him until he was unconscious simply because a friend at school had given him a sip of their drink and they didnt know he couldnt have caffeine and it was an energy drink. They were extremely apologetic and he told his friend "how could i possibly be mad at you for not having information that i wasnt born with. We all must learn in life." And he told his parents because he wanted to go to church extra to apologize for drinking it. They whipped him with several different things and then they left him on the side of the highway in florida. Semi unconsious and bloody in the late august heat. Shirtless. So he was severely sunburnt soon enough. He was picked up by a state trooper, his parents arrested for abandonment and abuse, and adopted by a jewish/catholic couple and he discovered a love for cafès when he worked at one when he was 16 and now he is 28 and just opened his own Cafè in the Keys. Named it PossibiliTeas.


Thats child abuse... thats so heartbreaking...


i hadn't even considered how this system harms the men and not just women. thank you for speaking up about this.


I was an illegitimate baby in the 50s--Idaho, no less. A sweet lady wanted to adopt baby girls, and everything seemed legit, until they discovered she was shopping in several hospitals. Turned out, she was trying to create a genepool of future wives for her community. Very happy my paperwork fell thru.


oh a great example of how patriarchy isn't necessarily men vs women, but rather men vs men ... and women are the ball!


Every guy who wants polygamy thinks he’s going to be the one with all the wives, and not one of the boys left behind


Not to mention that this considerably increases the chance of inbreeding in a community when 10 women have children who are all siblings or half-siblings.


My brother in law is a lost boy. His sister was one of Warren Jeff’s many wives and she was essentially tortured. She’s come out sharing her experience but for privacy reasons I’m not sharing their names. The brother in law is one of the greatest guys I’ve ever met and while he was never granted a full education, he is extremely bright. He’s an amazing father and will be and amazing husband for my sister when he finally proposes.

What happened to him and his family is truly awful and I’m so happy the flds community is dying out as members scatter. I’ve been down to Colorado city a lot and it’s wild the world they live in. They look at outsiders with such distain, and the little girls wear heavy makeup and look the same as the older ones.


One of the great things lost boys do is get people out of the cult. The amount of stories you hear about the brother's being a gateway between the cult and the outside world is amazing. So their own disgusting practices is destroying them.


I’m glad someone is pointing this fact out. Lost? Abandoned. Pushed out. Cruelly used. 😢


They are forced out so old men can prey on young girls sick


The part that amazes me is that the government hasn’t gone in to investigate this as an assload of child abandonment charges


This is also why certrain regions and faiths that venerate polygamy are constantly in wars started by older men, sending younger men off, and praise martyrdom for them. AND why they so heavily emphasis female conversion. Numbers game.


I always wondered about this. Astounding that the "lucky" men who get to have a dozen wives don't have a problem with how their sons are thrown out.


I owe a big "thank you" to you for the help your channel has given me in my decision to leave the church. I had only been in the church for a year and a half, but after viewing the info on your channel, I was about to do more research and made my decision. The next step for me was my endowment. I have to say, if I had ended up blindsided by that ceremony, I would have RUN, not walked, out of the temple.

Thanks again for your bravery in posting about these subjects! I was so well-informed, my president couldn't even argue with me. I have to say, he was very sweet. Again, many thanks!


I was friends with a guy in the 1990s that was a lost boy. They transported them up to a labour camp in British Columbia, and he ended up having to escape in the middle of the night.

He was working under the table, since he had no legal status. His stories were terrifying, it's shameful that they're human trafficking like that. I think of him often and hope he's doing ok.


The abandonment just amazes me. It's also why the military is filled with these kids


My auntie (not blood—heart family) is ex-Mormon. Her dad always used to say “good bulls sire cows” and was proud of having all daughters. _So. Many. Daughters._


This explanation fills in a question I had while reading an old family book put together from diaries written back in the late 1800's about the "menfolk" armed to protect their daughters from being persuaded to run off to join the Mormon church whenever that church came through town.


You are tearing down the Mormon Church single handedly. Kudos Social media works!
