The ONLY Jungle Macro Guide You'll EVER NEED - League of Legends Season 9

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1:55 That really helped me. Even as a diamond player I was just playing my games blindly and would gank whenever I had the chance, when it reality you should be ganking when the laner has the chance. Thanks a lot!


Jungle is the most stressful role, and it's even more stressful in low elo, because :

-your laners back when they could take tower, and often refuse to push, spam pinging you when you start killing minions to get tower,
-they back when they could rush dragon,
-they die to ganks that you ping them are coming,
-they overextend after a fight and die to enemy jungler, negating any gold or exp advantage you got by smart pathing and stealing his camps
-they kill opponent, then don't back to get items to keep the advantage, and die to opponent laner who bought and came to lane with full health
-people don't itemize for the matchup and build the same items in every game, so they force you to teamfight or they get wiped. In low elo, 5 people worldwide know what grievous wounds counters
-they have no clue how to play defensively when they start losing, so they die even under tower negating your splitpushing option
-they have no idea how to choose a good comp that is good when behind, frequently picking flashy champs that are great when fed af
-they will push lane, die and blame you for it, because you weren't there when they had the 2v2
-they will not ward at all, or ward but not look at the map when pushing
-they will forget, or delay to use their ulti which could have won the teamfight
-supports will often stick to their 1/12 ADC instead the fed 15/2 top, forgetting that the goal is to win, not to be loyal to ADC no matter what,
-ADCs tend to afk farm a lot mid game, giving easy kills to enemy team while generating no map pressure
-in 80% of cases when the enemy jungler is invading and you ping for help, they will not come
-they will type "0 ganks", when they lose the lane althouth you ganked twice, and they only got assist gold

These just came off the top of my head. Imagine all of this, while also getting constantly insulted, spam pinged, blamed, not to mention you also have to path towards your camps, and counterjungle, and get vision in enemy jungle. That is jungling. Oh, did I mention that jungle camps received an exp nerf and early game you will always be a level or two behind mid and top opponent, and if you die in a gank, it could severely set you back in items and levels?

I have lost games where I have secured 3 infernals and an early rift and 2 barons. That is how bad low elo can be.

Yesterday I watched a challenger streamer (87% win rate) play duo with another challenger, in gold 4, and they could not win 2-3 games in a row becaue their team was just so bad.


This is honestly really good guide, not just for junglers but for everybody to understand how the game works. Good job on this one.


"with a winning bottom lane" Lmao like that ever happens


Support guide (roams, laning phase) would be amazing!


Me:*Watches tons of tutorials and Tips*
also Me:*does none of them & just win*
Me: ThEsE TiPs ArE AmAzInGly GrEaT


Gotta respect that yi taking bluebuff over the wall at level 2 at 6:15


you could do a team comp guide. or a guide for champ select


Ironically, this guide must actually be viewed by NON-JUNGLERS.


When ever i play jg
My team: gg jug diff rep my jg no ganks


6:21Thanks for the trick that master yi can clear blue behind the wall


This is sooo valuable!
I am new to league, played mostly evelynn in wood division.
Now i picked up mordekaiser as my main (easy to pick up), laning top or mid is okay only jungle i struggled hard.
I took this guide to heart, actually took notes of it.
Applied everything i could and violá 15/2/2 vs lee sin jungle.
I ganked early, forced flashes, got my toplane back into the game, got my struggeling botlane ezra back into the game as well.
This guide is so darn good, much thanks!


Me: Watching guides
My teammates: Doing the opposite of what the guides have said
Me: Impossible


Me: These tips are amazing!


I like how it explains jungle largelly but i feel like it's overcomplicated, i main jungle and from what i know mostly low elo players have something to learn from this and honestly all you have to do is learn to balance farming and ganking and the rest they explain you will do subcounciously.
Anyway very good work cand wait for next one!


Super helpful guide, I feel jungle is looked at as an unwanted role nowadays because of how complex it can be during the early game scenarios. So I’ll start implementing this today, thanks guys. 💪🏼


I wish my laners could see what I was having to think about while they spam ping on why I don't gank all their 3 lanes at the same time while being behind and invaded.


The only Macro Guide any lane needs to do

Stop inting.


watching this is one thing, but actually putting it into play is a whole another story.
