Senior nurse and resident disagree funny nursing tiktok

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A young resident doctor took away my glucose drip after an operation because she didn’t know what it was, but left the insulin drip in (I have type 1 diabetes). I woke up right on time but still with low glucose. I could feel the tension in the room when my mother noticed and asked the nurse why the resident would do that, ‘she did not know, but it would be dealt with very soon.’


This is very true.Although a young fresh out of school doctor saved my life when all other doctors were telling him no send her home it’s so and so. It was only him and a tough senior nurse that argued against it. And that’s why menegitis didn’t kill, blind or maime me. Arrogance as no place in the health field.


My moms a nurse and whenever the new ones came in, they were so sweet and then you just see them get meaner and colder each year. Really shows how a job can take a toll on your mental health


I will never forget the day a resident told me to put TEDs and SCDs on a patient. I asked him if he assessed his patient. He said yes. I went into the patients room and placed them on the patient. I then went to the resident and frantically told him that I’m not getting pedal pulses, couldn’t hear anything with the Doppler, the patient’s feet were cold and grayish, they didn’t have sensation, and the patient couldn’t wiggle their toes. Ensue panicking resident. The patient was a double amputee and I put the devices on his prosthetics. I haven’t had any issues since… not sure why.


As a unit clerk:
1) love the representation! 💕
2) I’d be popping a bag of popcorn for the staff to have while they watch the show. 🤣😂


As a freshly graduated Nurse I can only give one advice: NEVER get on the bad side of your seniors. Instead, always strive to be on their good side, because you can learn a LOT from them. Seriously. When I was a student nurse I always went to my seniors who offered to explain things/topics to me when I couldn't understand them.


Your resident status doesn’t beat 30 years in the field. When I was fresh out of nursing school, my preceptor and I were assisting on an MVA trauma. The patient was bleeding out fast and she was doing the checks before starting a blood transfusion. The resident doctor who was in there no one liked because he was cocky, arrogant, and an all around jerk. He called my preceptor stupid and asked if she could read because it was taking her so long to start the transfusion (for those who don’t know certain medications or transfusions, like blood, require extra checks before they’re administered) without missing a beat she asked him if he really wanted her to hang A+ blood for a B- patient because “it’ll kill him”. The whole room stopped and that resident got ripped a new one by the attending afterwards.


Reminds me of when I went to the hospital bc of stomach ulcers, throwing up blood, couldn’t keep down water for a few days ect. 3 rounds of Zofran and I’m still heaving. The resident came in and basically told me I was stressed and probably looking for pain meds. The nurse who had cared for me all week ripped into him bc she sat next to me in the shower and helped sit me up when I was too weak to sit up, she saw the blood ofc and I had never asked for anything other than anti nausea meds. Thanks Miss Amy, that was the first time I felt like a medical professional had stuck up for me


I shadowed hospitals when I was in highschool and college and oh my gosh whenever a doc disrespected a nurse the doc's life got so much harder for months and the doc wouldn't connect the dots. Behind every doctor is a series of nurses who actually do the job they lay out, don't mess with 'em, they know more than you lol.


I love how the sweet dementia patient is a recurring character


I heard my doctor get snippy with a nurse before a procedure and when she came back in the room I mentioned that my sister is in nursing school and had told me that doctors should always be nice to the nurses. She smiled and said “yea, he hasn’t learned that yet.”


I'm a med student and in some specialties doctors didn't give an f about teaching us, it was the senior nurses we'd turn to, so when I get my degree and start practicing, I'll definitely take their opinions into consideration


Always. ALWAYS be nice and listen to the senior nurse. ALWAYS!


Nurses were literally life-saving to me during my first on-call nights as a resident!! Couldn’t be more grateful to them 🙌🏻


I'm a consultant, have been for far longer than I care to admit, and I can safely say that the success of any doctor largely depends on the nursing staff around them.

ALWAYS listen to and respect your nurses. The good ones are not just experts in their chosen specialism, they're patient advocates and the best source of information you could wish for.

With them on your side, you can pick up on problems fast and sort them before they become serious (half the time, they'll even sort the issue for you without you needing to come and take a look). Without them on your side? Well, that isn't worth thinking about... Without the nurses, you'd have to change diagnosis 6 times, nobody would spot early deterioration and, let's face it, the hospital would be a smouldering pile of rubble around our ankles.

So, a big thank you to all the nurses out there who are forever saving the behinds of junior medics (& reminding people like me who is really in charge... 😉😂). If I ever caught one of my juniors speaking to a nurse like that, they'd be getting all the crap call out duties for a month and be "strongly advised" to make things right...


My mom was a nurse for 45 years and she would comment about arrogant doctors in general. I believe every profession has a cocky hotshot. They are usually in middle management positions.


haha even though i'm a doctor i will trust a senior nurse any day 😁


I remember when I was 13 I knew I had a case of strep coming on. I was very familiar with the sensation and had my mom take me to the doctor. In walks this young PA with the worst attitude I've ever encountered. I asked for my throat to be swabbed to confirm (because isn't that a joyful experience that we all love) and he outright refused. He denied that it could be strep and sent me home with no medicine. A day later I'm in so much pain that I can't even swallow apple sauce so I have my mom take me back. I get the actual doctor this time who immediately swabs and guess who has strep?! Better yet, the PA walked by my door when it was open wide-eyed after I got the results and was waiting for my prescriptions. I gave him the nastiest death glare I could manage and croaked out "IT'S STREP". He didn't say anything. He just very sheepishly and quickly walked away. PAs suck.


I’m an intern now and this is so true. Especially with covid, a lot of the doctors don’t have all that much time to teach us and the nurses are really nice about answering our questions and letting us try out new skills.

Some of the interns act like they’re too good to learn from the nurses but it’s their loss.

I did a year of nursing before switching to medicine, and my mom was a nurse for 40+ years so I deeply value and respect nurses.


The unit secretary killed me!! Always know EVERYTHING going on😂. Secretly in charge when the charge nurse is on break or off the floor.
