Coronavirus outbreak: The toll the COVID-19 pandemic is taking on our mental health

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How did the novel coronavirus start? Can you find out if you had COVID-19 and didn't know it? Jeff Semple gets answers to the questions Global News' youngest viewers are asking. Plus, Mike Drolet looks at the toll this pandemic is taking on our mental health.

#CoronavirusOutbreak #GlobalNews #COVID-19Outbreak
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We can thank the CCP and WHO for this mess
Don't forget it when you're trying to pin blame on Trump or Trudeau or anyone else for that matter


Just reveal the areas infected and the patients' navigation routes. Sacrifices of some privacy will benefit all, save the economy and keep our tax money safe.

CERB, CEBA and EI are not a bonus, its a future burden. Wake up people!


What that Doctor said at 1:12 was ridiculous.


Who is instructing kids to paint rocks with messages on them? Our neighborhood kids did that exact some thing. Creepy


If it’s so important for us to self-isolate (and it is), then why are we expected to wait in long lineups for essential goods?

Long lineups at grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, etc.. must be reduced. Even if 6’ apart, we still spend minutes slowly moving through, and waiting in, the aerosols and droplets of everyone ahead of us. Virus transmissions could be prevented if businesses shortened their lineups by hiring more cashiers. And to avoid crowding they should be forced to EXPAND store hours rather than reduce them. Customers could better disperse their visits - for example, some might do their banking at 8pm and groceries at 10pm. These businesses should do their parts too. Banks are not only reducing hours, they are also closing branches. Endangering customers and their own employees to cut costs is as low-handed as price gouging.

How can we implore individuals to sacrifice so much freedom, while doing nothing to force businesses to reduce congestion and lineups. Being forced into long lineups is far more dangerous (and infuriating) than going to a park. How can we condemn the latter if we tolerate the former?


Hey global, maybe you should news about something else sometimes??? This world has plenty of amazing things to make news about, I'm hating that word already and so let's move on


if bats can carry several virus with out getting sick then is there a way to synthesize bats immune system to humans???


this is the third world war but against a tiny dangerous virus. Stay home to stay safe hope will win this battle😥 😢


It originated in a bat...and...and???... What?! are we going to pretend nobody ate the bat??!?!!


Ok but China is eating bat's for many many years I don't get it


We can thank the CCP and WHO for this mess
Don't forget it when you're trying to pin blame on Trump or Trudeau or anyone else for that matter
