The Revolutionary Radicalism of American Universities

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The anniversary of October 7th will be a faultline in the larger cultural conversation facing the United States. Our nation's 2024 spring semester was rife with college demonstrations, encampments, and protests that disrupted freedom of assembly, movement, and thought for Jewish students across America.

At the heart of the college social justice movement is intolerance for freedom of thought, demanding an anti-American, anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish agenda be adopted by institutions of higher education. When looking at what is happening on university campuses in America, we see young college students cheering on a revolution and the destruction of America/Israel cloaked in neo-Marxist and critical theory language.

The cult of self at the center of the U.S. social justice movement popularized by college activism is a distinct amalgamation of postmodern thought, critical theory, nihilism, and Marxism. Hussein Mansour joins Dominique to discuss the ideological roots of the growing revolutionary radicalism across the United States.



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📖 Episode Chapters:
00:00:00 Revolutionary Radicalism in American Universities
00:09:21 The Fragmentation of Neo-Marxism
00:18:43 European Enlightenment as an Apocalyptic Movement
00:27:32 Enlightenment Critique in Critical Theory
00:36:59 The Intersection of Sexuality and Marxism
00:46:20 Analyzing Sexuality in Academia
00:56:01 Historical Shifts in Enlightenment Leadership
01:04:50 Progressive Coalition and Justice for Palestine
01:13:40 Revolutionary Radicalism & Its Impact on Universities
01:22:45 Support Our Work


Watch more from Hussein Mansour:

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Top students become top faculty. They never leave school for the real world, never grow up.


I want to talk with you about the radicalization of the western universities.

I am from Pakistan and I understand the Rich and Elitist Marxism that controls the narrative around the world. I know the ins and outs of such politics.


As a german I really struggled with your summary of the marxist movement (Leo Trotzki) and especially with your description of the Frankfurter Schule. Adorno and from the Psychoanalysis Erich Fromm would have never trade basic humanity for the sake of a theory. Obviously the american theory development of the critical theory went somewhere else in many aspects. I can‘t relate to your despiction. And still today I‘m somewhat amazed how the US universities went from Foucault to hail the Hamas and trying to police peoples speech and minds in order not to offend someone. And I am german, so I am f.e. somewhat comfortable with some form of policing speech ( denying the holocaust). My take is that the crititcal theory in the US is just in some very profund way based on the Theory Tradition of the Frankfurter Schule but much more influenced and related to Carl Schmitt and Gramsci


The idea of critical theory began in 1921 with the founding, at Frankfurt, in Weimar Germany of the Institute for Social Research. It was the first time Marxists were employed at a Western University. But some of them developed a neo-Marxist school of thought they called Critical Theory, CT. CT made cultural critiques of Western Capitalism in to add to previous economic critiques of Marxism. CT began an intellectual war against almost all Western culture. It began the culture war. Fitting that it began in Weimar Germany - which itself was almost an autocritique, or self-destruction of Western culture. Following the Nazi's grabbing power the (often Jewish) thinkers at the Frankfurt School fled. Most ending up in the USA. Post-war, Marcuse stayed in the USA; and became influential there. Adorno and Horkeimer returned to Germany.

2nd-phase Critical Theory began as a German affair; but easily spread throughout the West. In the 1970s and 1980s CT found itself in oppostion to Postmodernism. But a 3rd phase of CT arose. 3 phase CT glued CT and Postmodernism together by rewriting Postmodernism as a Critique of the West. Hence CT, Postcolonialism, Intersectionality, Queer Studies, Anti-Racism, Fat Studies, ... neo-Marxism, all became surfaces of the Social Justice movement.

The question was raised "What are the core beliefs, or foundations, of it all?" I see it as critique for its own sake. For example in "Dialectic of Englightenment", Adorno and Horkeimer (1st phase CT), criticised reason itself as perfidious and anti liberatory!. The very tool they used to write and think was considered suitable for a trashing. If CT can be said to have a core method it's called immanent critique - it criticises society for failing to live up to its ideals of itself and CT also pushes the meaning of those ideals as far as they can be pushed. It's a kind of Idealism of Ideals which pretends to be "materialist". Today, with 3rd phase CT, the methods are more diverse and can include any method used in pomo, CT-1, CT-2 and any of the CT-3s.

CT has little to do with original Marxism because the economic critique has completely gone. The links to the working class vanished. In terms of their culture war, their immanent critique, they push ideals of freedom and sexual liberation (queer theory) past all reasonable bounds. We are now supposed to reform all institutions to promote anything which seeks to destroy us. CT became a tool to promote suicidal empathy.


Omg. I'm glad you found your career. Is mossad hiring? Where can i apply?


I do respect for Mr. Mansour's insights about Marxism. But his view regarding Islamism is historically too short. He doesn't look beyond the 20th century. If he did so, he would see that the cruelties committed by Islamists actually happened already under Mohammad's command.


What did it happened with the girls lips?


The revolutionary radicalism of Catholicism is anathema to the people behind this channel, as if of course, the Church's Divine Founder. Glory to Jesus Christ, now and forever.


Just go to Hillsdale College. It will solve the woke problems in your educational life and you will receive a stellar classical education.


Sweeping generalizations about Marxism can only been sustained with names dates and countries. Unfortunately the speaker mixes everything and does not what he is talking about.


Nobody here in America support Montezuma communism nobody here in America supports that that theory


Islam is not evil??? Islamophobia is a complete impossibility for non-muslims. Quran - surah 2:2, 2:191, 8:12, 4:3-4:24, 4:34, 5:32-33, 5:51, 5:82, (4:65, 33:6, 49:1, 58:22 - enemies of Allah do not believe in Allah or the final days, may include father's and sons (family), 68:4 - allah says muhammed is of  good moral character), 48:29, 8:12, 8:55, 8:60, 2:191, 18:74-82, 98:6, 9:111, 9:29, + much more. Islam didn't recently adopt the revolutionary is the original source!


You need a real historian to explain this.


How radical is it to be against a genocide?
