Communication Tower Law of Sines

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Question: A communications tower is located at the top of a steep hill, as shown.
A communications tower is located at the top of a steep hill, as shown. The angle of inclination of the hill is 58°. A guy wire is to be attached to the top of the tower and to the ground, 100 m downhill from the base of the tower. The angle 𝛼 in the figure is determined to be 7°. Find the length of cable required for the guy wire. (Round your answer to the nearest meter.)


Answered By:

Cary M.
Patient and Experienced Geometry Tutor



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Рекомендации по теме

your x value is incorrect. Your work prior to the evaluation of x is correct but the value of 175.8 is not. It is 125.3 approx. A calc check will confirm this
