Why Won’t Airbus Build the A380NEO? #airbus #a380

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Why won’t Airbus build the A380NEO? #airbus #a380 #a380neo #a350 #a320neo #aviation #avgeek #planespotting #airplane #takeoff #landing
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Emirates is the airline that actually used its A380 to its full potential and still uses it


I worked at the Airbus wing's factory at Broughton for 15 years and I can tell you there is no way Airbus can restart A380 wing production because all the jigs and tools have been removed bigger than the wing's themselves 😮😮😮


Airbus lost $25 billion USD on the a380 program. Airline companies abandoned the a380 as it was too costly to fill the a380 with enough passengers and having 4 engines meant double the maintenance cost. Now airlines want the a380 but Airbus said no as it won’t risk losing another several billions more to restarting the a380 program. If airliners want it so bad then bribe Airbus with $1 billion USD each a380 to restart the a380 program.


Tbh emirates was the only airline which actually used it to its potential, I think it could be really useful in really populated countries like in Asia for hub to hub transport


It's the same as the 747, not enough airlines want them due to them being inefficient for how many passengers they carry. Plus it's more cost-effective for the manufacturer to make two a320s, or 737


A380 is a very comfortable and quiet plane for long hauls. One of my favs.


Just wait until Boeing goes tits-up and use one of Boeing's abandoned factories.


There are a bunch of A380s sitting dormant in various deserts. Take those and refurbish them. Replace the engines if need be.


It's mind-boggling how the airlines don't want to buy the planes in production, then once they're out of production, the airlines want them. Airlines hold onto their planes for 25 years, yet they only plan for what they need here and now. Poor management.


The A380 was dead from the start. The 747 was designed as a cargo plane and also offered as a passenger plane. But Airbus didn't design the A380 to be a cargo plane, which could have made it successful.


Should do retrofits with the winglets and more powerful engines idk how viable that will be but it’s possible if the demand for a upgraded jumbo is needed


I wish they would! They definitely should make an A380-900neo


Just upgrade the engines on the current airline aircrafts.


I wish there had been an A390 program from the beginning. Like there was with the A340/A330 That is a two engined version of the A380 Sure it would have had to wait for powerfull enough engines but it would have saved the program.


This is the perfect opportunity for Airbus and Boeing to partner mainly because Airbus has the idea and Boeing has the resources… until now…


Building anything A380 isn’t considered easy lol. They aren’t making more because even the original is being retired early.


Airbus ended the A380 production too early in my opinion, wimping out during temporary drop in demand that was always going to end eventually - the line should have been mothballed at most. Second mistake was not making the A380 easily convertable to a cargo plane (the 747 was originally built as a cargo plane, that it ended up carrying passengers was entirely an accident so it was easy for it to go back). In Airbus's defence they offered to build a version with more efficient engines before shutting down the line but the only airline that was interested was Emirates and Airbus didn't want to do it for one airline.


Times have changed and there is demand for the A380 not only from Emirates. I am sure Air France already regrets their decision to decommission theirs. If Emirates makes a larger non refundable deposit I am sure a production line could be built in Dubai. Qatar Airways, Ethiad, Qantas and Lufthansa are potential customers too. You have to think outside the box.


To be honest, Airbus is making record profits, and they need to build more factories anyway because of a320 demand.

They just need to set up a new modern factory where it will be easy to in the future change which aircraft is assembled. They need tix production regardless, maybe even balance it between different variants.

Then, they need to produce fewer a380neos at a time to make the new program more financially efficient over its lifespan.

I believe it's very possible


Would love to see Airbus start production of A380 again but unfortunately I think we will never see that in our lifetime!! This chapter is closed!! They may however stretch the A350 which could probably hold as many passengers as A380! That’s probably the likely scenario but nothing has been announced as of yet so unlikely we will see that flying before 20 years from now!!
