Things Only Adults Notice In Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

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Action-comedy "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" didn't fare well at the box office when it came out back in 2010, but critics liked it and it has since gained a cult following. But how well has it aged? If you loved it as a teen, will those fond feelings remain if you rewatch it a decade later? Films like "Free Guy" owe at least a little bit to "Pilgrim" and its heavy use of video game tropes and effects, but you could argue that the politics of "Pilgrim" don't really hold up in 2021. Curious about how the film stands up? Here are a few things only adults notice in "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World."

#ScottPilgrim #ScottPilgrimVsTheWorld

Dating a high schooler | 0:00
"Manic Pixie Dream Girl" | 1:56
Hyper-sexualized | 3:41
Tokenized | 5:00
Scott Pilgrim is a loser | 6:00
Chris Evans | 7:00
No autonomy | 7:59
The "Bechdel test" | 9:06
Scott doesn't learn | 10:01
Toxic masculinity | 11:21

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Tell us you totally missed the point of the whole thing without telling us you missed the whole point.


The movie was pure satire, the only sad part is people who don't get it and try to live in the shoes of the toxic characters.


How to ruin a movie in 13 minutes or less. I thought I was watching cinemasins for a second


Times may change, the movie stay the same. Legendary. No point in hindsight.


This movie will forever be a perfect movie


The movie is awesome. Ramona is a dream girl.

I think Looper forgot, conveniently, this was a comic book. Ethnicity is not a CHARACTER in this movie....actors and actresses were picked by merit....and to have a similar appearance of the comic. Trying to say this movie didnt check enough WOKE boxes...removes your ability to have an opinion.

Movie is still great a decade later.


It's a niche movie for a niche audience, and even with it's obvious flaws, it catered to that audience pretty well. It's was a good movie for what it's worth.


I enjoy this movie. Thank goodness this is on Netflix.


Can’t believe it’s been out this long already time flies people


When I was growing up a 17 year old dating a 22 year old was nothing out of the ordinary. We had 24 year old men and women showing up as prom dates. I had zero problem with Knives and Scott and thought they made a way better couple than Scott and Ramona. Im glad the home release lets you view all the endings.

People making the complaints found in this video need to get an exterminator to take care of that bug they have up their rears.


Okay first off Wallace wasn’t hyper sexualized. He’s hyper sexual. Plus my boy always has a drink in his hand so what do you expect 😂 I’m on book 4 as we speak and I can say they nailed Wallace down 2 a T. Summing him up in one week (movie length) compared to a year (book length) was pretty accurate. He was Scott’s most responsible/trustworthy friend, yet at the same he has his own life to live and own fun to have. Even walking around in his underwear was accurate (Wallace is my favorite character)


I'd say the bechdel test is actually a pretty poor representatation for a movie where the entire story is about their relationship with the title character, and the exes. It'd pretty hard for any female character to talk about anything in the movie and have it NOT be about Scott or one of the evil exes. Like take that out and it would just be not relevant to this film.


Ramona flowers ruined a whole generation of women


Just let the movie be. That's why we can't have nice things.


Typical of this new wave of needing to destroy COMEDY. At the end of the day, this movie is a comedy, not some social commentary or a life lesson. COMEDY, and a very entertaining and innovative one at that. The Bechdel test??? good grief....


Did the person who made this script even watch the same movie?


Chris Evans is my favorite evil ex. Him and Brandon Routh.


Give a like if you’ve ever been on platonic/friend date that for no reason turned into some level of kissing or more because whoever wrote this apparently is unaware that people can spontaneously decide they want to change their mind


Yesterday was my first time watching this film. What i noticed was the billing order in the opening credits. After the two main stars, everyone but three are listed alphabetically. The three Asian ex boyfriends are all lumped the end of the list. It's almost as if they were an afterthought. This makes no sense to me.


This sounds more like a list of wokescold grievances with a short detour about Chris Evans awkwardly jammed in the middle. It also misunderstood a lot of the movie and the comic's intentions.

Take the part of the video where the writer(s) complain about Ramona lacking agency. Meanwhile the video exclaims how it make no sense that a platonic date ended back at Ramona's apartment with them making out. That's Ramona's agency! She is the one in control of where the relationship is going and even says she doesn't want to have sex but "reserves the right to change [her] mind."

Or you can look at the part of the video where the writer(s) is/are saying that Scott receiving the sword of self-respect makes no sense. A therapist will tell you that, in order to start respecting others around you, you must first start respecting yourself. The point of that reveal was that Scott had no respect for himself, so of course he's not going to respect his girlfriends either. It's only after he gains the sword of self-respect that he owns up to his mistakes with Kim, Ramona, and Knives — and makes peace with Nega Scott, which is a metaphor for the dark part of his personality that he has been refusing to confront.

And did this video want to condemn the Knives-Scott relationship or argue it was bad they didn't end up together? If you're going to be outraged, at least pick a lane.
