Sandhurst Women: Leading the Fight | Episode Three

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Episode three of an exclusive look behind the scenes at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as this centuries-old British Institution attempts to improve the experience of female officer cadets at a critical time for national security.

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"i found myself in afghanistan quickly after finishing sandhurst" "i was in a FOB with the commandos" "i found my voice wasnt heard"
i think they werent bothering to listen to you because you was a yappy little fresh sandhurst pass out trying to tell a bunch of experienced marines what to do. i dont think it has anything to do with your gender


One if the most gruelling training in the world 🤣 they can't handle the weight its literally shown on here, this is why the men are on the frontline, you cant be slacking on the front because the men will just grill you!! Slacking gets people done in.


I'm an 82 year old Englashman who served as a Captain in the Royal Marines in the 1960's and saw combat and suffered heavy body damage that still makes life painful. I am DISGUSTED by the bias shown here by military men against their sister soldiers and leaders from Sandhurst. Women in warfare and resistance have a history to be immensely proud of. One last point tough guys, a woman carrying 75 Kg is like YOU as a "man" carrying 180 pounds weight on your back. And have female astronauts let the side down, or female scientists, or and female who was driven and determined in what they were doing? No. Think Madame Curie and radioactivity. Think nurses on the field as well as Corpsmen. Wake up and take an ice-cold shower. Anyone who is critical of a female officer is off-target, ignorant of the facts, and needs one.


This is all about the 'what' of being an officer. After they commission and go to the units hopefully, hopefully, there will be a good platoon SGT and the CPL's who will teach them the 'how'of being an officer whilst maintaining due respect to rank....


I’ve served with women in combat. My main concern is that male soldiers tend to over protect them. Also, I’m wary of women attempting to compete with men in a situation where competition is not appropriate. No serving soldier will say this for fear of repudiation, but the truth is that this is a fatal link in the chain of command. I’ve seen it happen.


As an ex serviceman, I was totally against women serving front line. I left the RN in 1994, after 13 years service, as women were being intergrated to warships. I now know I was wrong when I thought it wouldn't work. I now think why not? My daughter has just applied to join the RN and my son is already a serving member of the Fleet Air arm. I think the school qualifications are more important now than when I joined. I had nothing. Technology has taken over and that's where the difference is.


I’m surprised why anyone would want to serve in the military. We have an ungrateful country, politicians who don’t give a damn about those who serve-they ‘ throw them to the lawyers ‘ when politicians make mistakes. Hundreds of Veterans are homeless while ‘ illegals’ are housed in hotels. They are poorly paid and not appreciated.


Ahhh yes, “you don’t have to be at the front and go like follow mee!” And then they wonder why the chain of command is challenged….


Why are some girls allowed trousers and others not


Women should not be in frontline combat roles


The reality and implicationss in theatre are going to be very difficult.


i didn't know you can't run and fire at the same time? good to know


Load of rubbish as usual from high up sources.


We saw the short one and we knew that was her. The British military living for the giggles while trying to keep everyone safe. 👍


Women should only be in the back helping with logistics/engineering/making ammo etc, the way its been for every war, women break the brotherhood of a squad of men, its never the same once estrogen mixes with testosterone.


For those worrying about the physical side; watch the England Red Roses rugby team this weekend in the WXV. Not all will manage, but more will than you think.


nice JOKE, and ... GOOD LUCK against Ru/Ch. Will need it


Saying it doesn't make it so. I never thought that the Army would become this sad.


As ex SAS, I say would you rather be rescued by a man or a woman. I am sure a woman can lift you up if you are wounded and take you to cover, ha, ha, ha.


Is there a male only forum? I highly doubt it!
