14 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect
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Welcome to the second trimester. It's almost every pregnant mom's favorite, and for good reason. As many first trimester pregnancy symptoms wane in the coming weeks, your appetite may pick up, along with your energy and maybe even your mood too. You'll be spending less time peeing, and while your breasts will continue to grow, they may be less tender. At this point, some moms may already be sporting the beginnings of a bump, but others have no bump at all.
And starting now, fetuses start growing at different paces too. Some a little faster, some a little slower, even as development follows the same path. And at week 14, that path is leading to your baby, now 3 ½ to 4 inches crown-to-rump, or the size of an orange, towards a straighter position as the neck gets longer and the head more erect.
And on top of that little head, your baby might actually be sprouting some hair, eyebrows too. Body hair, called lanugo, is also filling in, but don't worry, it's not permanent. This downy coating is there to keep your baby cozy and warm. Think of it as a winter coat. Once your tiny Sasquatch accumulates some insulating fat and fills out over the next few months, most of that lanugo will shed.