13 Things from the 1960s, Kids Today Will Never Understand!

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LOVED the "Thing Maker"! Had MANY molds to make Rubber Halloween costume accessories AND monster parts you could mix and match! It WAS actually Vulcanizing Rubber and required HEAT BUT BACK THEN cooking an egg for breakfast required heated oil in a Frying Pan so YOU LEARNED respect for things AND to be AND in 1956 my parents bought their first house for $3000.


Great video. I was born in 1950 so I lived during this decade as a teenager. I walked to school starting in first grade (1956) through junior high. It was a big deal for all the kids to meet on the corner and walk to school together -- this was in MN where it was common for temperatures to be below zero during Dec, Jan, and Feb. Every night in winter the neighborhood kids met after dinner to go to the skating rink. The rule was be home by 9:30. During summer you had to head home when the street lights came on. You know what -- we lived in the best times to be alive. My mom used to make cherry-jello with marsh mellows and bananas, it wasn't bad. And, yes I was drafted in 1969, three years before they implemented the draft lottery.


Im 38 and I absolutely played with Silly Putty, Creepy Crawlers (renamed clearly), Lite Brite, etc. all of which easily went in through the 90’s. They might even still sell candy cigarettes, minus the “like dad” stuff lol. My brother loved those chalky things.


I can assure you candy cigarettes were real. I used to eat them all the time.


I worked as a manager and at that time in the early 20’s the registrar didn’t tell you the change to give, we had to teach newly hired teenagers how to count change back. They were not taught that in school any more. I couldn’t understand stand how anyone was short changing them. So sad a lot of kids couldn’t unless the registers tell them. So sad. Children don’t usually know to work for money.


As a kid in the seventies I remember walking as a 6 year old to school this time of year and being handed a flashlight because it was still dark. In the Edmonds area ( just north of Seattle) all of the schools had good sized wooded area encircling them. I still remember walking home from Cub Scouts at 7PM in the dark from the school with a dead flashlight. I ran into a "huge" creature in the woods. I was convinced it was a bigfoot as they were advertising a bigfoot documentary at the time. I found out later it was a very freindly neighborhood Great Dane. I made sure my flashlight had extra batteries from then on.


I'm a kid of the 60s good times.❤


My grandmother was part of the British national committee for health when she was younger in the 60s, and everybody agreed that smoking caused cancer, but she couldn’t see a thing through the clouds of smoke from every single person in the office 😅


Yep...waybackwhen....its true my parents showed us the route to walk to school. and yes the were actually long blocks to walk ...we were very young Kindergarten first and second grade


I grew up in the 60s. Lived in the Midwest. Yep, candy cigarettes were a thing, basically a narrow stick of candy that had a red tip.
I walked to grade school classes but it wasn't far. Getting to high school required using a city bus, no specific school buses.
In the winter girls weren't allowed to wear slacks in school, so we wore slacks under our skirts and left them in our lockers when we got to school.
Mom made Jell-O but it was strictly dessert. She added fruit to it. The Jell-O 'meals' shown in the video looked revolting.
Some things were better back then; some things are better now. Interesting video.


Yeah I remember those candy cigarettes haha


Everything you see is real. Back then they didn't know the health hazards of smoking and drinking when you were expecting a baby. Smoking was a big thing and our school allowed the high school kids to smoke on their breaks at the "smoking tree" (actual tree) between the buildings. They were advertised all over the tv, billboards and people smoked everywhere they wanted. I am 60 and it is crazy the things back then that would never be allowed now. I walked to school when I was 6 and it was safer back then. Sad that it is not now a days.


Candy cigarettes had boxes that looked almost like the real thing, just a minor change to the name. There were also bubble gum cigars.


I used to buy candy cigs in the 80's! Lol.... They were good.


There was food delivery for pizza. Nothing else that I can remember.


About a year ago, I began to recall how I’d ride my bike or walk everywhere by myself! I spent sooo much time out, in the dark, miles away from home, by myself!!! It frightens me today to think how many times something bad could have happened! And, all the scary stories about the houses to not “go by” were very real to me. I’d go out of my way to not walk in front of the house, “because the leaky eye’d man lived there and he might come out!😮


I was born in 1964. I remember candy cigarettes that could be bought at the store. They were a real thing.


in the 1980's family members still made jello with vegetables and fruit combined in jello for the family reunions, I was required to try everything, so I tried to spoon some out that just had fruit and jello. fruit and jello is good, vegetables and jello edible, meat/fish in jello I've fortunatley never been required to eat though my MIL wanted to give me lots of cookbooks with those recipies which I declined.


In 1966 when I was nine, I got a chemistry set for Christmas. It came with potassium nitrate, sulfur, and powdered charcoal so I learned how to make black powder and started making my own firecrackers! Safe and sane indeed ...


Your reaction to the jello mold was priceless! 😂🤣
