Angular 4 QuickStart Tutorial - Angular 4 Directives (ngFor, ngif , ngClass, ngStyle )

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In this angular 4 tutorial series we will be creating a new project using the angular 4 cli , show you an ngfor example by listing an array, and i will hide the array using ngif also we will take a look on ngclass and ngstyle, today it will be quick look into angular directives
We will be using different structural directives in Angular 4 like ngIF, ngFor also we will be using attributes and property bind it like ngClass and ngStyle attributes.
Structural and attribute directives which will be discussed in this tutorial:
ngFor example as an angular list directive
ngIf example
For each directive we will have in this tutorial an example:
ngIf angular example, ngFor example, ngClass and ngStyle angular example.
We will be using different structural directives in Angular 4 like ngIF, ngFor also we will be using attributes and property bind it like ngClass and ngStyle attributes.
Structural and attribute directives which will be discussed in this tutorial:
ngFor example as an angular list directive
ngIf example
For each directive we will have in this tutorial an example:
ngIf angular example, ngFor example, ngClass and ngStyle angular example.
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