Bryan Ferry - Jealous Guy (Live Aid 1985)

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Bryan Ferry accompanied by David Gilmour performing at Live Aid in front of 72,000 people in Wembley Stadium, London on the 13th July, 1985. The event was organised by Sir Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise funds for the Ethiopian famine disaster. Broadcast across the world via one of the largest satellite link-ups of all time, the concerts were seen by around 40% of the global population.
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#LiveAid #Live8 #BandAid

BAND AID - How the Money is Spent

In the financial year to 30 November 2024 Band Aid has awarded grants of £3m across 16 projects to date.
Activities in 2024 include:

Provision of life saving medicines and medical supplies
Access to basic healthcare for rural communities
Strengthening the support of health services in Tigray
Therapeutic food for malnourished children and vulnerable adults
Emergency grain supplies
Drought resistant crops
Income generating activities and vocational training
Construction of basic housing to support old and vulnerable people
Construction of emergency shelters for refugees
Provision of clean water and sanitation training across multiple refugee camps in Ethiopia
Training to prevent gender-based violence in communities
Hygiene and sanitation support for adolescent girls
Construction of schools and libraries, and provision of classroom furniture
Cash distributions for vulnerable households
Rehabilitation of boreholes and wells for schools and communities
School feeding programmes in Tigray to support children returning to education

The estimated number of beneficiaries totals more than 350,000 people.

Money raised from BandAid40 will continue to fund similar activities in Ethiopia and the surrounding countries.

More information can be found at
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Best cover version of this song Bryan has such a sexy silky voice, noone else comes close


Being a Roxy fan for 50 yrs. I can't believe I haven't seen this performance ! WTF! Brilliant !! Bryan's or Roxy's only #1 hit in England!!


Great set! Gilmour and Ferry playing a John Lennon song! Just magic


I like the way Gilmour points the cameraman across to the other guitarist taking the start of the solo...that's class!


One of the greatest songwriter ever, one of the best vocalist ever, one of the best guitarist ever. Lennon would have loved this


This is so magic - especially the solo by Neil Hubbard, the solo by Dave Gilmour and the whistling of Bryan - LEGENDARY - this song changed my life ...


A different Era, A different mindset, A amazing time to be alive and growing up. Thank God for the 70s and 80s. .music when music was real and people were real!


You can see him right there at 3:04 sweating, just whistling through it, thinking "Oh, what a complete mess this entire show is - I hope this sounds good" - when Gilmour put forth the most intense, beautiful 24 second guitar solo ever done IN THE WORLD - and still you see Bryan Ferry doubting himself. That's, in essence, Bryan Ferry in a nut-shell, probably one of the most self conscious, true, honest human beings on earth. He came on stage to perform four songs and he nailed every single one with so many technical problems that would have destroyed anybody else. This entire show was wonderful.

It takes a genius to be able to whistle into a microphone that gently. He gave his soul and heart in this performance and does it EVERY SINGLE TIME he covers Jealous Guy. I love Bryan Ferry, forever, and I always will. He's amazing.


Oh my, as a child of the 60s im so glad i was alive during the time of the best music ever! Hell i wish i could go back and do it all again. God bless the internet for storing all these


The best cover version ever.
I was 21 watching this at home.
One of the greatest days for music I've ever witnessed.
Ferry was/is effortlessly cool, and Wembley was a sea of happy faces enjoying a memorable day.
And Status Quo started it all off. RIP Rick Parfitt.


This music will never come back, they were the best days ever


Not many people know that the keyboard player standing behind David Gilmour is Jon Carin. In 1987 he started working with David and has been a key member of his band ever since.


Only Bryan Ferry could whistle infront of a live audience of 100, 000 or so people and make it look cool


What an amazing voice. I'm just noticing this little warbling effect he does at the end of words. And what an amazing career. I think Avalon is one of the greatest albums ever made. And his solo album boys and girls is basically just if sex were made into music. Thanks for being a part of my youth Brian, love you man.


Nothing like the way he did this moons ago. Still remembering him singing this, wearing his pale grey suit and pink


That's the 70s and I am so thankful to have grown up through them. People were too..and fashion and hairstyles so glitter. Loved the disco too...I miss those times. Loved a bit of Ferry and Roxy too...woah that guitar piece first time 🎶


Came for David. Stayed for that whistling solo. That'd be incredibly difficult to do on that stage.


Great tribute to John Lennon. Love the white trousers with black shirt of the guitarist too


Grande Brian Ferry !
David Gilmour com sua simplicidade.
Nem parecia o grande vocalista do Pink Floyd.
Parabéns aos dois e a banda !


Es gab keine Smartphones, man sog es auf mit allen Sinnen.War ne geile Zeit.Die Erinnerung ist das einzige Paradies aus dem man nicht vertrieben werden kann.
