Work accident

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I should be angry at the fact that I expected some big crash but I'm just going to be happy at watching a miracle save instead


How did that sheet land perfectly, exactly where it should be? How? Something else made that happen. Fluke is impossible to make it fit as good as it did.


I'm demanding a nation wide moment of silence for what just happened here. Please everyone, give this work accident the respect it deserves and lower your flags half mast for the day.


His heart must have been beating faster for a minute or two


As a metal worker(welder). You should never ever ever hold a piece of plate steel like that in general especially while using the other hand to rig it. Should have dropped the forks and turned the pac man(lifting apparatus) sideways. Super unsafe.


Ma'am--this is Todd from Home Depot..I'm afraid your scheduled kitchen counter delivery is going to be delayed a few weeks...yeah, things are really backlogged because of, uh, COVID. Yeah, COVID, that's the ticket.


YouTube needs to censor these videos, so much blood, way too much blood what about the kids that watch this


Working construction, old hand was my mentor on the first month on the job. "Rule #1, NEVER BE UNDER A SUSPENDED

This is a fly-by-night operation doing granite counter tops. Tilting that counter top up was probably a multiple man job. The floor is wet, the table is on unlocked wheels, the idiot holding up the slab is almost on his tip-toes with no balance while trying to connect the clamp.

A few years back I was in the ER with someone who was waiting for a bed - he and a few of his co-workers were carrying in a granite countertop to install, and it broke. A chunk of that granite slab fell on his foot and amputated the end of his foot including all of his toes. Stone slabs are about as heavy as steel plate of roughly the same thickness, and when they break, the tend to break into very sharp edges - granite does this easily due to its small varied crystalline structure.

The forklift operator abandoning the controls of the running truck and then passing under the elevated forks breaks just about every rule of forklift safety!

I'd have written them both up for being idiots, and if they did something similar again, I'd get rid of them since they are an insurance liability. But I'm guessing this was the boss holding up the counter, so...


I was wondering why if it takes a forklift to lift that thing it was safe to have only one guy holding it upright. Answer- it wasn't


A table on wheels? That is almost criminal stupidity.


For saving the day, that was the stupidest shit he could’ve possibly done. That’s how you end up in a gore video.


I'm am now dummer for watching this.


Near accident not an accident. I thought those guys recovered pretty quickly.


Is this a new nicer workplace safety film? MISHAPS: It Can Happen to You!


That’s it?!? Nothing at all happened! Nothing was damaged and nobody got a scratch.


Fucking strong manned that shit! I bet that didn’t feel too good on the back tho


This is by far the scariest accident I've ever seen.


But… but… but…
WHAT ABOUT some of those casters that can be locked!?!?!? You know, so the whole entire table doesn’t just, oh I don’t know… like ROLL AWAY, at the MOST CRUCIAL AND IMPORTANT moment in time, possible!!!

I mean, come on man… common sense has prevented a whole lot of accidents and deaths from happening over the years!!! But, with that being said, I have learned, over the course of the 44 years of my existence in this life here on earth, that common sense isn’t so common, anymore!!! Hell, maybe it NEVER was that common??? Maybe, just maybe, it was just merely a play-on-words, all along!?!?!?

Now, just for a moment, imagine this… back some couple 100’s of years ago, a simple conversation took place, amongst a small group of people with some decent knowledge, about life and just things, in general. And during this conversation, this group of people were talking amongst themselves when, someone said, “you know, people with some knowledge, and/or sense, just isn’t that common. AND… as we are all well aware, there is a bunch of morons that are walking around amongst us smart folk. And so, if not very many people have, what we like to call, intellect and/or sense… then having some intellect is actually pretty uncommon. Now, what if, from this moment forward, we call this rare intellect, that not very many people have, “COMMON SENSE”??? You already know that it will really throw some people for a big, gigantic loop whenever someone does something stupid and then someone else says, “well now, you know… common sense ought to tell you blah, blah, blah”!!! And then, maybe in 300 years or so, like in the year 2000 or something, people will be talking about, “how common sense isn’t that common”!!! And then, nobody will know it but, we will be the proud owners of the “longest running joke ever”!!!


The table did not have the wheels locked----wth1


This clip is missing the end...

...where he turns to the cam and goes: *TA-DAH!* ...
