Why aren’t doctors talking about oxalates?

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Paul and Sally talk about the unfortunate trajectory of the medical community and why doctors do not talk about oxalate overload.
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Thanks for breaking up these long interviews into shorter, focused, segments whose time requirements won’t overwhelm friends with whom we share.


Been on an animals based diet with some fruits for 3 months and my gut issues have disappeared and feeling better than ever, strength has doubled at gym and far more alert. Great content and advice about oxalates


I would love a response as to how to get rid of oxalate poisoning. I ask this question to all my providers and they give me no answers. I do research on my own but It's just confusing. I know what to get rid of in terms of food but not how to get rid of the poisoning itself. I went animal based for 2 months and I noticed my face was so dull, got rounder and I started gaining weight and inflammation and got very gassy. I did a microbiome test and to my surprise my body can't tolerate red meats at all nor dairy and I cut them off completely and only ate the foods from my Superfoods list and Enjoy list and I lost 10 pounds in less than a month and my skin got clearer but this oxalate poisoning thing is driving me nuts and people that post videos like this never seem to answer nor give a source to go to to have proper guidance.


For years I ate almonds, whole grains, and raw spinach every day, thinking I had a “healthy” diet. Now that I eat meat and fruit I lost 50 pounds, got off six Rx meds, and feel great. No more dysbiosis, joint pain or keratosis pilaris, just to name a few. Still can’t sell my family members who are horrified that I have no vegetables in my home! Thanks, Paul! Keep up the great work! ❤


Because with so many symptoms oxalates can cause, there are so many different drugs that can be prescribed and therefore $$$. Moreover, money made on people buying oxalate rich foods


You gotta use outside companies like Inside Tracker to get your blood work done. My doctor literally said- Why do u want your blood work done? Do u feel sick? I said no. I want to see all my bio markers to see where I stand. She denied it. Inside Tracker was awesome! 44 biomarkers and got ALL my info in a few days. She also said my low carb no vegetable, no grain diet was very unhealthy. (She's overweight) Annoying!!!


Doctors don't talk about anything... All they do is prescribe medications to your symptom description. If I asked my doctor about oxalate's he/she would be like: Wink wink... Oxalate's who ? 😅


I have oxalate poisoning, and now that I'm on a low oxalate diet, it's expelling from my body; specifically my breasts/nipples. I've had this annoying rash for 15 years, and it was oxalates. I've seen multiple doctors from Allopathic to the naturopathic route. No one ever mentioned this. The only reason I found it is because of desperately trying to fix my skin with carnivore, and then having it continuously expelled from my nipples was my confirmation.


Doctors don't even talk about diet


I have Dr. Shelton’s book on Orthopathy. He was one of the big pushers of Natural Hygiene. All the natural hygiene promoters lived very unhealthy lives. We cannot live on leafy greens, beans, lentils and stuff without suffering from severe pain and constipation. Sally, this kind of care is called “Managed Care.” It sucks and people die way too soon.


Love your work Paul.
Years as a BBer I was conscious of CVD as the things involved accentuate it.
I followed the mainstream narrative of avoided animal fats.
My friend told me about the recent findings on polyunsaturated fats and the processing involved in cooking oils, then found ur stuff.
Love it.
Eating steak, minced beef, liver, organic honey, diary and lots of fruit.
Wish I knew this years ago


WHAT!!??? 100% of Medical Doctor's don't get into medicine to help people?!! Lol Someone needs to write a book on that!


This snippet of a longer interview is right on point.


I was mindblown when I finally figured out what oxalates were doing to my body (even weakening my heart & immune system) For many years I was consuming so many foods that I believed were the "healthiest" choices while actually causing great damage to my body. It's sad to think that most people have no idea that oxalates could be causing a majority of health problems. I'm so thankful to have finally realized and have felt amazing since removing oxalates.


Dude thank you for doing what you do you have opend my eyes to healthier lifestyle,


In chiropractic school we did learn to tap your tendons & evaluate your nervous system! Unfortunately we got very little education about dietary oxalates! At least our pathology class mentioned that most kidney stones are made of calcium oxalate & mentioned some foods that are high in oxalates (beets, chocolate, spinach). So glad that I read Toxic Superfoods! I think this info will help many patients that have chronic joint pain.


Sally knows what's going on when she said patients want to be bandaged up (pop pills) so they can keep living their life the same as usual. ...It takes 2 to tango though. Both allopathic medicine business model (profits and pharmacology) and the complicit lazy patients make quite the bedfellows as they enable each other to maintain inertia/momentum in an ineffective healthcare (disease-care) system.


Why can’t there be a relative measurement of toxins in plants? Seems we measure almost everything. It would seem logical that water filtered through a plant would have significant less toxins than consuming the plant. But this isn’t available?


Sally, right on commentary about the over-treatment and narrow focus of conventional medicine, and the corporate model as problematic for individual health.


A few year ago I caught up in the vegetarian thing and my health suffered. A lot of muscle issues as in I always felt i was tight and had to constantly stretch, which gave very little relief. Been carnivore for a few years now. Feel better but still issues with muscles always feeling extremely tight. Especially legs and hips. Anyone got any suggestions?
