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killer frequency game is about a once respected radio show host to gets demoted and transferred to a small town, where he uncovers the secrets surrounding a serial killer on the loose.

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I loved how there was no twist on Nash being involved.

Your character - Nash - is the final piece of the puzzle BECAUSE he has nothing to do with it. He ain't got the deep ties, the history or lay of the land - so he can really smash through all the social barriers for truth.


The only person Marie should have killed was teddy and his father. The others were just threatened and manipulated so they were victims as well. And to make matters worse, the real killer of George wasn't even apprehended, Marie just went for those who covered Georges death wasting too much time instead of taking the life of the person who was directly responsible for this incident


Imagine being Lesllie in the police car listening to the radio of what Forrest is going through and then she hears that Forrest is in danger too. And all she can think of is: Oh no... not you too...


I think the person we play as at the start of the game was Clive, as Forrest’s first lines indicate that the person who got stabbed really did get stabbed, and wasn’t just a cool tutorial for the game. Their death also just happened to be in a hallway, which if you look carefully at the tutorial, it seems that the hallway is connected to KFAM. That hallway could be another way into the building, which means it is a way into the janitor's closet. Also, he didn't go into the basement because there were no fuses to power it, nor could you enter via the exit door for obvious reasons. Another addition to this is that Clive is one of the only two people dead (the other being Sheriff Mathews) that could die when this whistling night starts, and the killings begin. It also can't be the Sheriff because 1.) He was found dead in the Sheriff's Office, which is no where near KFAM and 2.) There was no sign of struggle in the tutorial death, and we know that the Sheriff Mathews tried shooting either Maria or Henry, so it can't be him. Take this with a grain of salt though because as Forrest pointed out, not everyone could have been able to call 911, so it could have been another employee at KFAM and we wouldn't know because there isn't much of a proper resolution implemented in the game.


Everyone was a victim except Teddy and his father, including the killers. Henry was probably trained since he was young to be a killer.


Still curious on Forest’s backstory ngl.
The End if I’m not mistaken has a question mark too so a sequel to this might be possible! A different city? Or a future scenario?

Overall an nice game. Amazing atmosphere, ambience and VAs sold the game!


This was one of the best indie titles this year so far. It did a great job building tension, had a unique premise that came across polished and well thought out. The voice acting and animation was absolutely top tier, and the writing actually had me focused the entire way through. The ending was just the tiniest bit cliche, but credit where it's due, at least they didn't do the "The killer is still alive!!!1" bit at the end.


Why is this guy? A Freaking Radio Host?! A better Detective THAN actual detectives and police forces?


Talk about the worst mother ever. Stole her son's childhood for revenge. Tried to kill her own sister for something her parents did and Peggy had nothing to do with. Made assumptions about everyone there that night and just decided everyone was guilty. Attacked a group of kids who had nothing to do with anything that happened in the past. She could have taken revenge by herself instead of dragging her child into it and ruining his life. She could have done something years sooner. She didn't care about real justice. She just wanted revenge to make herself feel vindicated. The fact that she went after children for just being related to the people she thought guilty makes her worse than any of them.


I've just learned that the killer is based off of a Venezuelan folktale called "El Silbón"


Btw i believe at the beginning of the game we play as clive before he gets murdered since we see him try to enter the building


Given with the ending I hope they continue this genre or make a sequel. It was a damn good game


This game has very well written dialogue and better mechanics as you are looking for documentation and through other people eys to gide them to safety


Scary thing about the Whistling Man is something that the two share with Jack the Ripper (both his Assassin's Creed counterpart and the Real one.)

They are extremely clever and able to seamlessly escape almost every time. Hell, Marie is never actually confirmed dead. She fell off the point so more than likely she is dead, but there is a slight chance she lived. Not to mention that Henry is not only alive but likely a psychotic killer trained from birth to be good at it considering he took on and beat a Martial artist that was (by assumption) larger than him. Plus that easy couch throw definitely takes strength. Theres no saying that he didn't learn lockpicking and sneaking, meaning he absolutely could escape.


I demand a sequel NOW

Im giving the creators of killer frequency my credit card, all my savings, my grandparents fortune, the entirety of the Titanic's valuables, both kidneys and a cheese wheel named steve


What are the chances that everything they needed was in the office, a map of the maize maze, a manual for hot wiring cars, the interns "who's most likely" paper, they all just happened to be in the office.


The tape Forrest gets at the front door of KFAM, makes a lot of sense after the ending.

28:33 Except the kid in the Maize Maze. She targeted him, simply because he happened to be related to the people she actually wanted to kill. But since they were already dead, she went after their son.


I think the person who dies in the tutorial is Clive since he does say if you hear this tape he is dead


I think Marie spared Carrie because she got left behind just like George


We need a part 2 of this game, it's so fun although its just a bunch of voice and stuff. Very interactive as well.
