Mini-MOOC 'Financial Climate Risks' 1.2 / What challenges for global financial stability?

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Session #2: What challenges does climate change pose for global financial stability? How can these risks be monitored and supervised? What are the coalitions of actors seeking to address these challenges and what is their role?
Morgan Després, Director of Strategy at the Banque de France and former Secretary General of the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), will shed light on the progressive development of common methodologies for analyzing and monitoring financial climate risks by central banks and supervisors. He will review the two main methods used to measure climate risks: the publication of the risk exposure of financial institutions (notably by the TCFD), and the scenario-based analysis approach (or "climate stress test", notably by the NGFS).
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Morgan Després, Director of Strategy at the Banque de France and former Secretary General of the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), will shed light on the progressive development of common methodologies for analyzing and monitoring financial climate risks by central banks and supervisors. He will review the two main methods used to measure climate risks: the publication of the risk exposure of financial institutions (notably by the TCFD), and the scenario-based analysis approach (or "climate stress test", notably by the NGFS).
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