Mini-MOOC 'Financial Climate Risks' 1.0 / Presentation by Rémy Rioux, CEO of AFD

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Rémy Rioux, CEO of AFD and Chairman of IDFC, presents the main issues related to the consideration of financial climate risks for financial institutions.

The objective of this Mini-MOOC is to provide keys to understanding the financial risks related to climate change. This course will allow you to understand what physical and transition risks are, the challenges they pose for regulators and financial institutions, and how taking them into account can contribute to the transformation of the economy.

This Mini-MOOC Financial Climate Risks developed with AFD partners is an online course, to be followed on Youtube or on our eLearning platform, which will allow you to have complementary approaches explained by experts in the field.

On the program:
1. Fundamental concepts for understanding financial climate risks, Benoit Leguet, Director of I4CE
2. Why do climate risks represent a risk for global financial stability and what are the approaches to better consider them? Morgan Després, Director of Strategy at the Banque de France and former Secretary of the Network for Greening the Financial System.
3. The French regulator's approach to integrating financial climate risks into its supervisory practices with financial institutions, Laurent Clerc, Director of Research and Risk Analysis at the ACPR
4. AFD's approach to integrating financial climate risks into its risk management, Thomas Nicolas de Lamballerie, Deputy Head of the Credit Risk Division and Camille Laurens-Villain, Climate Finance Expert in AFD's Strategy Department.

5. AFD Group's roadmap for better integrating financial climate risks both as a bank and as a development agency, Camille Laurens-Villain and Mariana Deheza, AFD climate finance experts

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