This Cheap $50 N64 Flash Cart is AWESOME

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A new N64 Flash Cart is out - And its only $50. The SummerCart64 is a custom-made cartridge that allows you to develop and play games on the N64 console. It is the first N64 flash cart that is feature complete and completely open source.

SummerCart64 employs features such as 64DD hardware emulation, automatic save backup during gameplay, or ability to behave like a stock Game Pak with direct mode, making it the best choice for both players and game developers.

In today's episode we take a closer look at the SummerCart64 in more detail!


00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:17 - Testing the Summer Cart 64 Features
00:09:12 - Conclusion
00:11:31 - Outro

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The Summercart is absolutely the best flashcart. I have both the SC and the Everdrivex7 and I vastly prefer the summercart for development.


Love the fact there’s an alternative to absurdly expensive Everdrive.


the jump from SNES to N64 was so unreal. I couldn't believe my eyes


10:06 Cheats support is currently implemented, but there isn't a option on the menu yet. So it's a matter of time to be fully implemented on a update.


Once word of this spreads further, it will finally make Krikzz get competitive with their pricing for the Everdrive
Competition is always a good thing!


Man it's so nice to see these kinda of everdrive cartridges being way more affordable get made these days than when they 1st started. The whole Everdrive scene has really expanded not only into many more consoles but have become more accessible to the public, allowing for more improvement and cost reduction on them. F-Yeah!


Summercart is awesome. When i was looking to purchase one, a lot of people tried to persuade me to pay hundreds more for an e everdrive. In my opinion there's no reason it should cost so much. Happy with my summer cart.


The Mario Artist series were made to be used altogether, you can make textures and paint studio, make polygons in polygon studio, use the textures and paint studio to texture those polygons, then use the talent studio to animate those polygons, then you can upload them online using the network disk.


MVG surely is now on "The Nintendo List"


I ordered this cart a few months ago and is by far the best I have used and the price is absolutely amazing!
I can‘t recommend this 50 bucks card enough, you can even live debug this thing with the USB Port!


You couldn’t have dropped this video at a better time for me! Picking up a crt tomorrow just for the n64 and now I’m ordering


I'm glad we're getting competition for flash carts. If you actually look up the components that go into making flash carts their cost simply doesn't justify the amount of money sellers like Krikzz charge for the finished product, and the main reason they've been able to get away with these ridiculously high prices is due to a complete lack of competition.


Thank you. This cart has been on my radar for a few months and I’m glad you have covered it here. It looks amazing for the price.


The price of the second hand market is ridiculous, mainly caused by these companies doing those game rating nonsense (We all remember that Mario 64 cart going for a million) and it's calmed down a bit now but has still left us with an overpriced market.

So yes, these SD card solutions are a winner and I completely agree that for the most accurate "Emulation" of an N64 you still need real hardware and that also includes using real controllers.

Nice to see that it supports DDs as well. I didn't realise that this was even a thing.


So glad that there’s competition for N64 flash carts! Only $50 is a great deal especially lot of N64 cartridges being sold online are so overpriced!


I own a Everdrive X7. With a ‘Samsung MicroSD’. It boots ‘Conker's Bad Fur Day’ almost instantly for example, and also fan-made roms.

Thank you again for your content. I really love it.


This is why competition is always good. Hopefully Krikzz wakes up and realizes he finally needs to cut prices on his products that are many years old now at this point


A tip for PAL users: if you live in PAL region, and try to play NTSC roms through SC64 on your PAL system, you’ll notice that the video signal gets fcked up. My solution was to find a cheap NTSC console (just the base unit) locally, and use that instead. PAL unit’s power brick and video cables all work 100 % with the NTSC console.


I’ve had my Everdrive 64 v3 (pre-cursor to X7) for close to 10 years now, and it’s still going strong. I don’t regret my purchase at all. Back then, there were literally no decent alternatives. If I was buying one today, it sounds like I’d go for this. Will be interesting to see if they are as reliable as Everdrives over the long term, only time will tell. If they are, then this is a no brainer.


Really awesome! I love supporting Krikzz and his team (they've always made quality stuff IMO), but it's nice that there are alternatives out there!
