Scientists Discovered An Impossible Structure Inside an Ancient Cave

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Scientists Discovered An Impossible Mega Structure Inside an Ancient Cave Made By Unknown Origins

Scientists have made an incredible discovery - an ancient mega structure of unknown origins! Learn about the fascinating history behind this megalithic structure found in the Ellora Caves in India. Join us on a journey through time as we uncover the secrets of this mysterious structure.

#caves #cave #discovery #ancient #megalithic #prehistoric #science #india #ancientcivilizations #grahamhancock #lbq #lifesbiggestquestions

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Sure makes you think about ancient times. I think many civilizations have been forgotten and lost. For millions of years.


not only the tools, but also the mathematical, geometry was on a top level! When we talk about industrialization, we always think about the mass production of products. However, knowing how difficult it is to produce just one sword, you have to wonder how they were able to produce thousands of steel chisels or later thousands of Gladio swords for the Romans, but others too


Man just one wrong tap on the stone with a chisel and you mess up the whole facade. Talk about nerve wracking


Much older than we are lead to believe, millions of tons of stone had to be moved obviously advanced knowledge and technology was used .


Your presentation would be so much more enjoyable without that 'noise' in the background.


G'day, What amazes me, that, there is no hughe great mounds of spoil or waste, somewhere near by, from the work. Hooroo se ya later 👍


why people hate scientists so much? oh yes, because internet is cheaper than books.


Talking about Missing the point. Ur - city of god, Summaria. Gt Flood. Gt Pyramid Giza. Plate Techtonics. Solomon travelled to Ur b4 finding the mount. Africa is the newest Continent, not oldest. Asia oldest, Ur was a Metropolis, Solomon told Khefu where to find Thebes later Alexandria, Now Cairo. Bizatuum was Constatinople, b4 that it was Mikklegard. The port of Babylon/Ur/Msir (Aisir/aesir/Aeser) Frejya's people. Aesger/Aisgir Where Bor's ( daevid Biblical David, dad of Rhobheban/Cyris ii or iii (xerxes iii dad) Solomon, who is Sauzimon, Zeus, Tyr, Tiswas, Wodenatz & Tuchimachen the tent Lord. ) people. Odinn b4 Zaus, Runes b4 Curiform.
