Evolution as a Population-Genetic Process (Lecture 2) by Michael Lynch

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ORGANIZERS: Deepa Agashe (NCBS, India) and Kavita Jain (JNCASR, India)

DATE: 17 January 2022 to 28 January 2022

VENUE: Online

No living organism escapes evolutionary change, and evolutionary biology thus connects all biological disciplines. To understand the processes driving evolution, we need a theoretical framework to predict and test evolutionary changes in populations. Population genetic theory provides this basic framework, integrating mathematical and statistical concepts with fundamental biological principles of genetic inheritance, selection, mutation, migration and random genetic drift. Population genetic models allow us to make quantitative predictions that can inform an experimentalist while designing new experiments, and give us a deeper understanding of how evolution works. This School will cover topics such as evolutionary rescue, mechanisms and dynamics of molecular evolution, microbial range expansions and the use of pedigrees in population genetics. For each topic, lectures will begin with basic concepts and end with recent advances in the field. A series of research seminars will also introduce participants to ongoing research in evolutionary biology in India.

0:00:00 Start
0:00:19 Getting Started
0:01:56 The Big Picture
0:04:58 The Importance of the Distribution of Fitness Effects of New Mutations
0:07:20 Multiple Lines of Evidence Suggest that Most Mutations are Deleterious and Have Small Effects
0:11:34 Bioenergetic Considerations: few mutations have absolute zero effects.
0:17:04 Observed Dynamics of Mutant Allele Frequencies in 10-mL E. coli Cultures
0:21:39 The Classical Model of Sequential Fixation of Adaptive Mutations
0:27:06 Areas of Uncertainty Regarding the Rate of Adaptive Evolution
0:30:07 Vaulting Barriers to More Complex Adaptations
0:33:17 "Compensatory pathogenic deviations"
0:35:01 Cell Biology Provides Numerous Examples of Coevolving Sites Subject to Mutual Drift
0:36:55 The Adaptive Landscape: a Metaphor for Evolutionary Biology
0:38:37 How do complex adaptations requiring more than one mutation become established?
0:41:41 Evolution by Compensatory Mutations
0:44:39 The Likelihood of Alternative Paths of Evolution Can Be Strongly Modulated by Changes in Population
0:47:20 Alternative Paths to the Final Advantageous State
0:50:13 How do complex adaptations requiring more than one mutation become established?
0:52:38 The Phylogenetic Dispersion of Mean Phenotypes
0:53:40 Detailed Balance: the long-term equilibrium distribution of alternative population states
0:57:24 Expected Frequencies of Fitness-Improving Alleles
0:58:06 A simple shift to linkage blocks greatly flattens the gradient
0:59:20 Extension to Multilocus Traits
1:00:36 The Steady-state Evolutionary Distribution
1:02:21 Summary
1:07:30 Thanks
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