Could You be Drafted to Fight in World War 3

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A new world war has been boiling across competing nations of the world, and it's time for you to fight for your country, whether you like it or not! Check out today's epic video to see what a World War 3 draft would be like!


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Wait how come men only get drafted I thought women were strong and independent?


If there ever is a draft, rich people and politician's families should be the first to join and be deployed. I'm not dying for someone who is not willing to risk anything.


War. Old men talking, young men dying for no reason.


I’d rather go to prison than serve under an administration that surrenders to terrorists and leaves Americans to die in enemy territory- and for no discernible reason.


I am confident I will not be drafted in WW3 as I am already a disabled veteran at 32. Been there, done that and they already broke me.


Wouldn't do it even if they drafted me.
I'd rather be in jail with a clean conscience than fighting a war to don't agree of, risking my life for nothing.


As someone who served in the military voluntarily, I stand firmly opposed to the Draft and the SSS. Also, if we ever have to use the SSS, we’ve already lost.


I am not fighting for these tyrants and their ambitions.


I wouldn't mind being drafted if we had at wife at home who ain't for the streets, A GI bill that can get you a home and business like the good ol days, and some decent VA healthcare. I'm not dying for a country that doesn't care for it's people.


If a war was truly meaningful, such as defense against an existential threat, they wouldn’t need a draft.


I’ve thought for years that dismantling our manufacturing capabilities in the name of “profit” was dumb. It is a national security issue but American companies are glad to sell IP and technologies for a quick buck at the expense of national security. This should have been and should be criminal. Allowing so much manufacturing to leave was also a mistake and again for a quick buck and should have been and be criminal. Also, when a huge war does start the children of the rich should be the first sent to the front lines since they usually try to use money and creativity to stay out when other families don’t get to pay their way out and create excuses to avoid a draft.


This country is going to be in for a rude shock when they realize none of the younger generation will be willing to die for a country that would let us die on the streets for medical bills


Countries don’t go to war, governments do. As a veteran, I say….avoid military service if possible loool.


The US hasn’t seen volunteers this low since Vietnam. I don’t doubt the US would initiate a draft if things were to escalate, many veterans are leaving the military without any intention of reenlist due to how the government is acting with woke politics. I myself have only 2 years left but the second I’m done I’m burning all my uniforms and not looking back.


Unless we are invaded (which will never happen, and this channel did a video explaining why), you will never get me to go fight in a war. We've already lost thousands of soldiers in POINTLESS wars overseas. And anyway, our current military, with its overblown budget, is perfectly capable of defending this country from invasion. And even then, even if it couldnt, we have allies that would send troops and equipment. THAT would happen long before any draft.


Our obesity rates are really a national security issue. About half of our population is either too sick or overweight to fight and you can count on Gen Z to find anyway possible to get out of service which I wouldn't blame them for unless World War III was breaking out.


Considering only 27 percent of current high school graduates are eligible and fit to serve in the armed forces, worrying about the draft is the least of our country's problems.
Edit: Obesity and criminal records are the top two reasons.


I feel like this focus on conventional forces and ability to rearm/draft does not account for curveballs like possible sneak attacks using EMPs, biological agents (which are likely to be used by China in all out war), cyber warfare, and probably lots of other nation-disabling weapons & tactics not considered.


Already served so I'm not eligible. That being said, if we get attacked I'm not opposed to trying to enlist (although I'm in my late 30s). For all those that are young, if it ever looks like we will draft, go ahead and enlist and have some say of which branch and what job you'll get instead of being forced for infantry.


"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln
