Longevity & Health: Exploring Seventh-day Adventist | Gary Fraser | The Proof Podcast EP #293

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Explore the intriguing intersection of diet, lifestyle, and longevity in episode #293, featuring renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Gary Fraser. As a distinguished professor with a unique perspective from his long-standing involvement in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Dr. Fraser brings a wealth of knowledge on the impact of vegetarian diets and lifestyle choices on health outcomes.

In our discussion, we delve into the fascinating findings from his extensive research, uncovering the nuanced ways our dietary habits influence our well-being and life expectancy. While Dr. Fraser sheds light on the complex world of nutritional science, we also touch upon the interplay of faith, health, and scientific objectivity, offering a thought-provoking blend of professional insights and personal beliefs. Tune in for an episode that promises to enlighten and challenge your understanding of the profound relationship between what we eat and how we live.

Specifically, we discuss:
00:00 - Intro
02:04 - Discovering Gary Frazier's Scientific Career
08:17 - What Influences a Scientist's Change of Mind?
09:48 - Is a High Healthy Fat Diet Beneficial for Heart Health?
11:21 - Understanding the Controversies in Nutrition Information
15:07 - How to Avoid Bias in Nutritional Data Analysis
18:06 - Comparing Views on Nutrition: Gary Frazier vs Walter Willett
20:46 - Exploring the Seventh-Day Adventist Perspective on Nutrition and Lifestyle
22:27 - Understanding the Limitations of Randomised Control Trials
25:40 - Investigating Longevity in Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians within the Seventh-Day Adventist Community
30:26 - Comparing Health and Longevity: Seventh-Day Adventists vs Average Americans
32:19 - How Does the Seventh-Day Adventist Diet Compare with Other Religious Groups?
33:57 - Analysing Body Weight Differences: Adventists vs Typical Americans
40:05 - Muscle Mass and Bone Density: Insights from the Seventh-Day Adventist Population
44:43 - The Impact of Protein Consumption and Physical Activity on Strength
48:41 - Dietary Variations Among Seventh-Day Adventist Women and Men
52:02 - Evaluating the Risks and Benefits of Dairy Food Consumption
1:03:41 - How Long Do Seventh-Day Adventists Maintain Their Eating Patterns?
1:05:42 - The Impact of Long-Term Diets on Health
1:07:46 - Omega 3 Supplementation vs Fatty Fish: What Does Research Indicate?
1:09:27 - An Introduction to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
1:13:50 - Uncovering the Story of John Harvey Kellogg
1:17:30 - Exploring the Link Between Plant-Based Diet Patterns and Reproductive Health
1:21:52 - The Role of the Seventh-Day Adventist in the Battle Creek Sanitarium
1:25:52 - Gary Frazier: A Scientist Embracing Seventh-Day Adventist Beliefs
1:28:52 - Reconciling Belief in God with Evolutionary Theory
1:31:18 - Addressing Major Criticisms of Gary Frazier's Nutrition Research
1:35:43 - Diet Comparisons: Adventist Vegetarians vs EPIC-Oxford and British Vegetarians
1:40:25 - Assessing Diet Quality in Adventists: Vegans, Vegetarians, and Non-Vegetarians
1:45:20 - The Role of DNA Methylation in Diet and Health
1:47:56 - Identifying Main Mechanisms Behind Health Outcomes
1:49:49 - Investigating Dietary Patterns in Adventists: A Study on Lupus Correlation
1:53:02 - Delving into Additional Research on the Seventh-Day Adventist Diet
1:54:47 - The Danish Dietary Guidelines
1:55:47 - What Does Adventist Diet Research Reveal About Dairy?
2:01:47 - Identifying the Most Significant Dietary Change for American Health and Longevity
2:06:04 - Where is the Future Heading in Diet Studies for Ultimate Human Health?
2:11:53 - Outro

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What a FABULOUS interview!! 👏👏👏 I have been fascinated with Gary and his research for two decades and I can't think of a better person to interview him than you. Awesome questions, awesome answers.


Gary Fraser is an international treasure. He has been very kind with his time for me as well. Many emails. Excellent insights
Not sure if the professor mentions it but vegan also have an advantage in there very low renal acid load, which is good news for bones


Great video Simon I think the thing was represented completely with much skill on your part. Often these types of interviews degenerate into off point rambles...this is far from that, all the points are shown clearly, and questions asked all challenging and real.
Kudos great job.


Will be listening to this ☝️ again, thank you so much for interviewing ACTUAL researches! And your dedication to true science/health education Simon!


Thanks Simon, and guests, for all the discussions this year.


Excellent interview. Though the data is epidemiological, it speaks volumes to the benefits of the vegetarian lifestyle. Moreover, the studies were reproducible. I’ve not read the Adventist studies but plan have added them to my list. Thanks, Simon, for your podcast. As a physiology and anatomy professor, I appreciate your approach to nutrition. Thanks!


Thanks Simon. This has been my favorite podcast so far on your channel. Practical, relatable and intelligent, applicable information. I am basically a whole foods omnivore, and will be rethinking my dairy and meat choices for sure. Excellent!


Great interview Simon. It’s so interesting to hear about the Adventist studies from an Adventist. Excellent work!!


This has got to be one of the very best interviews I have watched ❤❤❤


Truly one of the best interviews I have ever heard from you or anyone else. Truly outstanding. Thank


Such a FANTASTIC informative interview!!! I can't thank you both enough for sharing all this research. So many questions answered. I love how thought provoking and professional your interviews are Simon. My life is better because of your work. Thanks again 👍


One of the highest quality podcasts I have watched this year! Thank you both!


Excellent, comprehensive interview! Love your open-mindedness! I would like to see a deeper dive on the topic of Omega 6:3 ratio, and neurological conditions in older vegans!! I've been eating lots of almonds, sunflower seeds, cashews, etc and wondering if I may be overdoing the Omega 6's even though I'm taking DHA+EPA = 700 mg daily.


That was so spectacular. Simon, how masterful.


Thank you Simon, and Dr Fraser - extremely interesting.


Excellent interview/info. I was more excited when I saw this in my notifications than I was about Christmas. Cheers Simon!


Thoroughly enjoyed this interview. Thank you Simon for all your hard work and keeping us educated!


Great to dig past the headlines into some of the complex nuances. The SDAs have been studying nutrition longer than most but it'is still a young science. So much left to learn - definitely an exciting space.


We need more open minded research on low fat vs higher fat plant based diet. I've happily switched to VeganSOS (low sodium, low oil, low fat diet) for over a year; I had recent blood test done, with a massive drop in Vitamin D and Pregnenonolone levels, both well bellow recommended range. I also have super low LDL and Triglycerides. My question is VitD and PREG both need fat to assimilate so I suspect my current diet may be too low in fat?. Thanks again for another educating talk on human nutrition Simon. Merry Christmas from France :)


Awesome as usual but my favorite episode to date!
