Taste Testing ‘Exotic’ Spice Blends and Recipes for using them Ep.2 | Sorted Food

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It’s SPICE BLENDS TIME! Which of our normal homecooks will be able to guess the most spices within each blend? Will Barry get his spiceology badge back? Will Ebbers start cracking the whip on the rules? Watch to find out!


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The status of Barry's spiceology badge is becoming more emotionally engaging than most TV plotlines.


I wasn't a fan of the layout of this challenge. Technically they all got the same number of spices right, but were not each given a fair shot at receiving the badge. I agree with what I've seen others say: they should all 3 have to guess the same spice mixes. I really liked that you limited them to listing only the same number of spices as there were in the blend they were tasting, though🙂


I know these have badges up for grabs, but I am curious to see Ben in the hot seat and have the boys each present a spice mixes to see how many Ben can guess correctly.


"Kind of tapped into the spice market." Boy, that's the understatement of the 15th Century.


We need a episode where you have them produce a meal but you don’t tell them what you’re assessing them on or what badge you’re on testing them for. So that you can check whether or not they have been maintaining their previously earned badges


Love how proud Ben looks when the others are delighted by the dishes, his little grin at Mike going “good right?” was great.


I don’t get why you don’t give them the same spice in the beginning and the ones that get the most ingredients in the 3 spices will get to the finale.


Ben’s poker face when Barry said “it smells jerky” is unbeatable, I’m genuinely impressed!


My issue with this was the same as last time. I think it would be better and more fair if they each had to guess on all 3 initial spice mixes.


6:00 slight correction (or fun fact, if you'd like) here: There's a difference between "speculoos" (how Ebbers pronounced it), which is Belgian, and "speculaas" (with "aa" instead of "oo"), which is Dutch.
The spice blend shown in the video is indeed the Dutch "speculaas". The Belgian "speculoos" doesn't use any of the spices (except sometimes cinnamon) and instead uses caramelized sugar.


Would be more fun and fair if everyone guessed on the same spice so they could compare better 👍👍


I don’t know what happened in the background production of this show, but the ‘tasting food’ on the last few episodes looks out of this world. When is SORTED opening a restaurant?


I'm glad that you redid this but I feel like the guys aren't being given a fair chance each, since those that go later have it harder and less of a chance to earn the badge. I said it last time but I think that the best way to do this is to present the guys with individual spices and them ask them to create a spice blend that works and then cook something with it.


Saying that the dutch east india company "kinda tapped into the spice trade" is quite an understatement.


Panch phoron is used very often in bengali food, from dal to potato curry, always starts with panch phoron in hot mustard oil. Nice of you guys to include that


Ben mispronouncing both speculaas and mille feuille in one sentence made my day. 😂

And no worries Ben, Dutch is an impossible language. It’s why we all speak several other languages. 😁


Second one always reminds me a bit of "Lebkuchen". You should try that one next! There are simple ones with 7 ingrediencies and more complex blends with up to 15! Will be tough for them to figure 'em all out.


OMG! Panch phoron is one of the main spice mixes in vegetarian Bengali food. It is also used to flavour up non-vegetarian food & curry. Proud to see my Bangladeshi representation. 😍


I love speculaas. I live in the Netherlands and we use it in cookies and pepernoten. It is so delicious. Also loved Ben pronunciation of the word speculaas.


I don't know how this is supposed to be more fair than last time. Mike only had to guess 5 spices and he could see them all. Barry couldn't see any and had to guess 6. Jamie has half visible and half not and 7 to guess. Even if they'd all gotten the same number, they'd have different scores. This is not an even test of skills. Give them all the same spice blend and keep them separated so they don't hear the other's answers (you did that part anyway). When you give a chemistry test you don't have one person make a baking soda volcano and expect another to make napalm and a third to make flammable oobleck and then grade them all the same.
