Dream about your EX getting married : dream meaning & interpretation

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What does it mean to dream about your ex getting married with someone else?
Ending a relationship is usually very hard, and it's even harder when that person with whom we shared so much appears in our dreams
The situation gets even more complicated when we dream that our ex ends up marrying someone else.
You know the feeling, that cold sensation in your chest that makes you feel as if you can't breathe and you feel your throat closing as if you were choking yourself.
Let’s remain calm!
This dream symbolizes a healing process that we are carrying inside of us to let go of that person.
If it has been a long time since your relationship end and you have this dream, this means that your mind already knows that the best thing for you is to let things go: let him go and let him do whatever he wants, while you focus on yourself and moving on.
If very little time has passed since you broke and this dream makes you feel sad, think that your subconscious knows that it is better to leave things as they are. That you were not meant for each other, and that the sooner you embrace this feeling to let go of your ex, the better.
This is a healing dream. It is an imaginary scenery made by your subconscious mind to prepare you and rehearse this feeling in the future.
But you can be absolutely sure that better things will come
#Ex #Dream #Meaning
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Wow, i was in a phase where i started not caring about her then this dream came and i was feeling frustrated that why this dream came when i started moving on, but now i believe its part of my healing subconsciously
Thankyou !


I think it’s a sign to move on lol he ghosted me in April after professing his love I truly believe he got back with his ex. In the dream he married her I wish him the best in life 🙂


Me and this guy just started dating a few months ago after he reached out to me after not talking to each other in years. So I had this dream that I'm at his wedding in a crowd of people. And the bride wasn't me. Later, he broke it off (in real life) with me(I hadn't heard from him) then a family member of mine reached out to his parents to see why I hadn't heard from him. He then calls me to say he just think we should be friends. I'm really angry because I didn't want to go there with him in the first place but he convinced me. Now this.


Hey man so in my dream my ex come to my place. Asking how i am doing and she tell me the big newest that she is going to get married. She said she want to coming as a goodbye. She then proceed to pray in my house just like she will be “mepamit” ( a culture at my place where a person is going to be no longer part of the family. Usually because she/he is getting married) then we do small talk that feel so real and then we hug for quite sometime. I then started to slowly wake up with tears in my eyes.

Looks like your first reason is make sense since I was looking to get rid of her from my mind for quite sometime now and usually it ends up unsuccesfully and i come to the stage where im sort of embrace the felling of missing her but not really doing nothing about it.

Thank you so much man


I had a dream my ex was married but he came and met me … he told me that his parents forced him to marry that girl and he didn’t love her… I even talked to his wife and she told me that their relationship isn’t going well… my ex was there to meet me the same way we used to… my dream was complicated


What does it mean to dream of your ex from years ago telling you they are going to marry someone else and shouting at you?


So what does it mean when, your ex is telling you he has a wife and I’m behin to feel sad about it


I saw the same dream twice, only place and characters are defferent. I am going somewhere, middle of the road I stopped seeing my relatives. Then I realised that was a marriage house(house was not decorated nor any sign of marriage preparation, only people were gathered). Then I was going to the back of the house both times. But I never know who's marriages was those. I never saw the groom or Bride.


I keep having dreams of my ex getting married and it’s something huge braggy and extravagant. I don’t want to be there and try to avoid even looking or seeing part in this particular dream I saw my ex new girl say “And in her own castle.” Her being new as if she were mocking me.... I have no ill will to the girl at all it’s not her fault my ex played me the way he did and cheated me with her. So why am I still having these very vivid dreams? I just want them to stop and go away... I don’t want to see these things


Finally i got my curiosity thank you


I saw the bride is getting ready for her marriage in my house and also my lover waiting for her to get marry.When i saw her I get angry but can'tdo anything( In real They got married 2 months ago by cheating me). What's meaning is this?


Im dreaming about my ex wedding and Im with him on that day together with her new gf and were all fine, then later part of my dream my ex bf talk to me that he's sad about their wedding and we talk to each other that we dont have any choice but to continue the wedding wirh her new gf, then his new gf caught us talking but she didnt interupt us. Then on the ceremony itself the girl left my ex bf at the middle of the ceremony . What does it mean?


Hello sir, pls I had a dream about my ex boyfriend proposing to me he put a gold ring in my finger and asked me to fight for his love, pls sir what can this dream mean.


Day before yesterday we both stopped speaking then I was mentally disturbed today I had a dream of attending my love's marriage and there I'll be crying deeply inside 😞 thinking each moment his marriage would stop 😭😭in But he married. Suddenly I wokeup and got frightened now I cut my hands 😩😩😩


I have let go of a past life soulmate (I'm saying past life as his moon is with my southnode and many other combinations) after six months of no communication. Also he shared his good news of getting engaged and I said ok congratulations and deleted the contact and photos from my phone. Burnt all the manifestation affirmations I wrote for him and did cord cutting reiki also.
I trusted in universe that I only loved the qualities in him and I'm sure I will get the same good qualities in another soulmate .
However today morning I wake up to a dream seeing that I see him happily engaged to another beautiful woman and they were wearing yellow robes. And the region their houses were the same place where he and I went for lunch in real life. I woke up with disgusting feeling as to why he should show me all this when I don't care. I feel sad as to why I see ppl hurt me in dreams as well 😢


Hello sir I. Head a dream seeing myself dancing with one man, and another man was there watching as dancing and he was praising me and admiring me


I had a dream about a woman who walks into my home and my fiance asks me if he can have sex with this woman... I allowed him to and after they had sex, she went crazy towards me and disrespected me. I told my fiance in my dream that it was his fault that he didn't cherish our relationship when he chose to do so. He said to me "Your the one who allowed it." I replied, "Because I wanted to see what choice you'd make..." I then seen that my family purchased me a very shiny long black dress... They begged me to try it on.... I didn't want to. I seen they kept on egging it on and the dress was on... There was gold shiny sequence shaped in a diamond that covered my chest with white lining... I remember looking into the mirror and was shocked with how I looked in it... My fiance said from the side "You look Gorgeous Baby..." And instead of being angry.... I smiled ... I woke up confused as heck from that dream


I kinda already let go but I just want her back 👁👄👁


I had a dream last night and I am here seeking some answers. I would appreciate it if you can help me. I dreamed last night that my ex was getting married and I received a text message inviting me to her wedding/reception with a payment per head( as if was like a gig of some sort). I was not sure about it, and reluctantly tried to attend the wedding but decided against it. But some reason circumstances keep bringing me to the wedding venue no matter how many times I tried to avoid it. I actually then recognised others from my life whom not connected to my ex, these were high school friends. I have broken up with my ex and it has been 3 years and I went through quite a lot of counselling, it was total heartbreaker because we were engaged at that time and things got so messy and arguments that she broken up with me out of the blue. I would deeply appreciate your insight in this sir!!!


What does that mean Dream Someone tells you not to leave your relationship
