When You Dream About Your Ex Are They Thinking About You

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When you dream about your ex, does this mean that they are thinking about you?

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My high school girlfriend keeps coming up in my dreams, for the past several months. It was over 25 years ago and we both moved on and got married and had families. Now that I'm divorced I must be missing the feeling of being with someone who wanted me just as badly as I wanted them. It's always bittersweet.


I broke up with my x almost 30 years ago. We had a very difficult divorce. We have not talk to each other for years. I still dream with him very often. Everybody tells me that the reason is because we never resolved things between us.


I remember his hugs. They made me warm inside. I felt a crack in my heart when i was so rude ro him..


I’m not sharing the whole story, but wow did I get woken 2 weeks ago. Intense emotion of missing me and longing for my love. Followed by frustration, almost hate for an hour. Then after 2 hrs I felt the anger and emotion turn back to calm, and just love and missing me. I could sleep soundly again. You explained it exactly! Have a great day lovely lady


Had a dream of my ex last night it felt good and reminded me how happy I used to be when I was with her. I miss her but I know I’m not getting her back 🤦🏽‍♂️


Reoccuring figures in the "Dream World" are those with whom you have the most important spiritual and karmic connections. Although they may no longer be in your "Touch World" reality, your connection to them has not been severed. The most important bit of information to reflect on in the "Dream World" or dream state is the timing of their appearance and if you remember it clearly. For example, if you were dreaming of them just prior to waking up, then it is of the upmost importance and has a very significant meaning. Remember the feeling and the message at the moment.


I swear I don't even think about him now, it's been 6 year, but I don't know why last night I saw him in my dream, and the feeling was intense, so deep that I even woke up at in the middle of night, and since morning I am unable to forget that dream, I just can't concentrate on anything.


When I recently broke up with my ex who is a full time narcisist 😄 he kept showing up in my dreams. He was regretful of how he treated me and wanted me to go back to what we had. But then he'll show up as his usual self being a jerk so I knew it was a clear sign for me. I have my phsychic abilities very sharpened and when somebody shows up in my dreams it means exactly what I see. If they are unfaithful then that's exactly what's happening, if they miss me then they do. Dreams are portals to our subconcious which is where our true self reside. I like your videos😘😘


He broke up with me and I was devastated but then I finally moved on and let him go in peace he started to pop up in my dreams 😭 last night to avoid it I went to sleep around 5am and slept only 4hours and I still saw him, I can’t that really messes up with my mind


I never dream of my ex I never going back with him I like to be single no man telling me what to do


This same dream happens every so often. We get together, we have these deep conversations, nothing necessarily sexual, but just intense. And I feel it the rest of the day. Was it her thinking about me?


my ex dumped me a year and half ago. We were together 9 years. She did it very abruptly i was completely blindsided. Took me a year to move on completely move on. It finally stopped hurting completely about 3 months ago. Out the blue i just started having dreams about her almost every night for the past two weeks. We are both empaths and spiritually inclined so i could literally feel her energy in these dreams. Im pissed off because now im thinking about her again after i worked so hard to move on.


Had a dream about my ex last night, the surroundings where good, colours bright, atmosphere soft and calm, she was accepting towards me and we both laughed, smiled and it felt energetic.

What I understand from this dream is I am now happy with the separation and the progress made since and I wish her all the very best like before.

Understanding is key.

Many Blessings to you all.


It’s different scenario for me. My ex and I didn’t have a bad breakup. She wasn’t toxic or negative. She was sweet. We don’t hate each other. We’re just acquaintances now. I’ve been single for 3 years now, have already accepted that she’s gone, accepted that she has moved on, I have moved on and have been at peace. It took me about a year or so of pain and healing. But once a month or every two months, I have a dream of her where I’m just at some place seeing her chill out. We see each other, we hangout, we talk a little and then the dream ends. I wake up not knowing how to feel but just to let out a deep sigh.

The thing is though we never reach out to each other. There really is no reason to talk, because we’re on different paths. She’s in FL and I’m in TN. Day to day, I’ll have random thoughts about her and sometimes she won’t be on my mind at all. If she never takes anytime out of her days to text or call me, then I can never bother to text or call her. So I don’t know. It’s confusing. One part of me just wants to wait for the right one, but another part of me still feels a little attachment to her. I think maybe things just got…unresolved. Although, we’ve talked about it before when we used to meet up occasionally before I moved to TN. She did tell me “I just don’t want a relationship with you right NOW.” That’s different than saying I never wanna have a relationship with you ever again.

Maybe we’re both lost? But I don’t know. Who knows if she’s even still single or dating another guy. After we broke up, she dated a couple of other guys, but told me those relationships didn’t last long and we’re not fun. I feel like there’s puzzles 🧩 that need to be reconnected again and we’re both lost in different dimensions….


I dream about him every night. Multiple times. The dreams are intense. He’s always relentless and he always gets me back. It’s so strong. I wake up reaching for him crying. Reliving the heartache it’s been 10 months 😢


It was so strange I dreamt we were together and it felt so real and good. I then immediately woke up during the dream and the clock was 3:33 am what does this mean?


I broke up with my ex 2 yrs ago but I dream about him every month… I see him telling me he’s missing me, wishing me happy birthday, asking me if I’m okay… sometimes I would dream about him asking my cousins to send me messages or sending me text messages.. or him being sad.


I literally just woke up from dreaming about my long term ex and thought “oh hell no!” I picked up my phone and this was the first video I saw….I haven’t even watched it yet but know there’s a msg for me in here lol. Ty💚


She left me 8 months ago. I fought for her and us HARD. She still used my vulnerabilities against me and said alot of hurtful things that she then tried to take back but still left me broken. It’s been 8 months and I can’t get over her. I don’t want to dream about her. I don’t want to think or feel for her. Any advice on how I can stop thinking about her?


I had this experience A week ago. I had a dream of an X that I have not spoken to for many years. A dream so intense I woke up at 4am and started searching for her on the internet. The relationship was ended abruptly. I was very much in love with her. We kept in touch for a while after, but I needed to move on and let her go. When I woke up from the dream, I felt an overwhelming urge to reach out to her and have not stopped thinking about her ever sense that dream. I've been having extreme emotional swings ever sense. I haven't really thought about her for quite a long time. This experience led me to your channel trying to find some answers as to why this had happened. Thank you for being who you are Aliki, I wish you the best thank you!
