BEING NOT STRAIGHT - Reaction! | Jaiden Animations

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I'm aroace too and when I was like 8 my friends were talking about crushes and they asked me about a crush, and I literally, in that moment, saw the new kid from class walking by and said "that's my crush" I came home and even told my mom. Then she asked me about it a couple days later and I was like... who(?


my mom is actually asexual. the idea of being with a guy has always grossed her out UNTIL she met my dad. but they have a very interesting story. an actual romance novel story lmao but she grew up in the 70s and had no idea what it was called. even with my dad i don't wanna say she doesn't *enjoy* the sexual stuff. but she enjoys the intimacy and the fact that she knows that's HIS love language. but she would prefer cuddling & hand holding? ya feel? but if she says no, he's like "okay"
so it's interesting. because you have a minority (asexual) of a minority (lgbtq+) so yeah. it's not really commonly talked about.


Me: I dont have a crush. Something must be wrong with me
Chad Jaiden: Why are Non of you attractive


Asexuality wasn't fully described by Jaiden, but the thing with asexuality, is that it's not celibacy or abstinence. Asexuality is the lack of internal emotional feeling of being drawn to people to have sex with them. Some asexuals abstain and feel repulsed by sex, but other can be favorable. I as a sex-favorable ace would be down for sex as an activity sort of thing. It has the same emotional value as skydiving, or doing some other intense activity. Due to being aro, I'm not likely to encounter sex as an option of activity as I'm not drawn to people romantically either, but oh well. Being aro or ace isn't the same as abstaining from the activities of romance and sex. That is unfortunately a common misconception and leads to people believing it's a lifestyle and not real emotional thing.


finally you found Jaiden. She is great. watch more of hers. all of her videos are great.


To see you guys come into the video asking "what is that?" to using the terms Aromantic and Asexual, and understanding their individual meaning is so awesome. Spreading awareness not only benefits the person who spreads it but others like them and even those who aren't. It just makes the world a better place when we better understand each other. Empathy and kindness come from understanding and the willingness to.


Literally Jaiden’s video and her describing her experiences made me realize I’m asexual lol. I’m super happy she made the video bc I seriously thought I was just insane.


I actually understand what it feels like to have being in a relationship pushed on you. While I'm straight and haven't gone through the exact same things as Jaiden, I still felt pressured to be dating someone. I'm definitely into guys, but when I was younger I didn't care about that stuff. I just wanted to be a kid and enjoy myself but I was always asked by friends and family if I had a crush or if I was dating someone, but whenever I said no, I was asked if I was gay because I wasn't dating a guy in middle school or high school. Even now, I'm still asked this. I'm almost 22 and have never dated a guy or had sex with anyone and I'm fine with that because I don't want to rush anything. I already have friends who are married with kids and a couple of them are younger than me.

My main problem is people putting this pressure on children. Whether the kid is straight, gay, bi, pan, etc., I feel like they shouldn't be rushed into a relationship so young. I think they should be able to just enjoy life without feeling like their life has caught up to them at a young age.


Jaiden makes 200% sense to me. Honestly, it’s one of the only things about romance that I understand. Never feeling attraction, feeling left behind by your friends and the world bc the world is weirdly obsessed with love and lust when you can’t relate, getting annoyed whenever people ask if you got a partner yet like its something I can pick out at a pet mart. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Her video was what made me realize I'm aroace too and it was such an eyeopener. Especially that part where she was sitting in the car and was like 'wait people are actually feeling these things!? They are not joking!?' For 24 years I've been walking around thinking everyone was just faking romance and attraction like we were all part of a giant play y'know? Then this video popped up in my recommendations and it all just clicked. I've been identifying as bi and/or pan for most of my life because just as Jaiden said "0+0=0 so i guess i'm bi/pan?" But after watching this video I finally felt like i had found what I am.

Thank you for reacting to this video! I think it's so important to raise awareness that this is a thing that exist and seeing you reacting to it was really refreshing. Even though I also would like to point out that yes, your right that most people do calculate pros and cons but the thing about being aromantic is that we literally physically arent capable of having romantic feelings. Which apparently is something people who arent aromantic don't have much problem with. Just wanted to clarify that difference.


"Being single on Valentine's day, it kinda sucks!"

Me every Valentine's day alone: 🥳🥳🥳


As a kid who is queer and has lots of queer friends, I can vouch for the fact that plenty of us do *not* know we are gay by the time we are five or six. I'm halfway through high school and I'm still very unsure of anything that has anything to do with sexuality
It's confusing and scary at times, and I definitely feel pressure to already have everything figured out by now, which I know is unrealistic and not how sexuality works for plenty of ppl, but the pressure is still there
Also, I had the exact same experience of "crushes" in elementary school. Constant "who's your crush?" conversations, and kinda just randomly choosing a guy I barely knew and felt no connection to and saying "that one" to feel included


I really love this video because I’m on both aro and ace spectrum and also non binary. It took me a long time to figure those things out, but even after I just felt really shitty. Like i was a non-human. The title is “not straight” and that’s also just how I felt for a long time. But it’s also really hard to feel like I have the right to even claim the word queer and I feel like an imposter basically everywhere. Like I want to show pride and solidarity with LGBTQ community but I just don’t face same oppressions and I’m there for like…lack of sexual attraction.
Idk this video is almost 100% of my experience right down to faking crushes into my 20s. It’s super validating and reassuring just RELIEVING to see someone share such a similar experience and share how much confidence it gave them and to tell me I am still human


People talking about this video who are not on the ace/aro spectrum really justifies my asexuality. I love and respect that even though people can't directly relate to being asexual they can come to a logical and empathetic understanding. There's a lot of people who have the mentality "I don't understand this, you're wrong"


Fun fact: Beofre I knew I was lesbian, I had a massive celebrity crush on Selma Gomez, Like I would always talk about how pretty and how beautiful her voice sounded at the age of 5-10?, And I look back on it now and it makes so much sense now 💀


You're right Jaby, some of us realize we're gay at a really young age as well. I also knew when I was 5-6.
And I may not be ace/aromantic, but for me relationships are as much a "business exchange" (pros-cons) as they are an emotional thing.


As a fellow aroace, I immediately respect Jaiden's judgement of crushes.


I’ve experienced romantic and sexual attraction but never had any desire to be in a relationship. People think I’m hiding something or lying to myself and that pressure even made me doubt myself. But thank god I never have to be young again. Now at 39 I can just say, “I’m attracted to guys and I can have romantic feelings really easily, but I have absolutely zero desire to be in a relationship.” Not sure what that makes me. Probably polysomething, but I’m not bothered. I can go to bed with someone without romantic feelings. I can have romantic feelings and not be sexually attracted to someone. But either way…. At some point you gotta go home, bro.


Are these subjects not taught in schools yes? I’m a 35 year old boomer and even I have learned these things since elementary school, and always thought that these are common sense which most people would know and understand. But I guess that is not the case to everyone. Well I’m glad Jaiden finally figured that out!


As someone who is AlloAce, where you like the romantic shite but don't have any interest in the fun times I relate to Jaiden on so many levels. And the fact that people are calling her problematic for this is insane. She's just helped so many people figure this shite out because it's not talked about enough. I was one of those people who thought I was broken for not being into the fun times.
But nope. You're just fine the way you are. And people need to stop being all shitty about things. I completely feel the same way about crushes even with like cartoon crushes it's not a I WANT THAT NOW it's "they'd be a good friend" it's so WEIRD and hard to describe so I like that the ace community calls them squishies. ^_^
