The Worst Singer EVER!

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Ian Watkins was the lead singer of the highly successful band The Lost Prophets. The band saw great success, touring internationally and releasing an album that sold 2.5 million copies worldwide. However, the band members eventually became concerned about Watkins's drug use, and staged an intervention with him. Watkins then checked into rehab but later disappeared during a tour to do drugs, causing the band to use a friend for vocals and ultimately leading to Watkins's dismissal. All this would pale in comparison to what was about to be discovered. Despite his initial image as a good-natured Baptist minister's stepson, Watkins was later exposed as a manipulative and evil person who used his fame and influence to exploit vulnerable individuals for his perverse pleasure. He was charged with many horrible offenses in 2012, which resulted in a lengthy 35 year prison term.

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As a Welshman, I've never warmed too much to what was a local-ish band. Watkins always come off in interviews as a twat and people I've spoken to have described him as an utter prick - and that was before he was charged. I used to work with someone with links to the prison service and apparently he's missing some teeth nowadays. I can only hope someone inside performed a national service and removed them using blunt force


You'll still find many women online praising Ian, trying to downplay his twisted actions, and villifying Joanne. It's really sad and disturbing.


The police should be held to account! They could have saved these poor kids!


Put that creep with the other inmates so they can give him the punishment he truly deserves. Same with the women that were involved. So disgusting that women write to him are they that desperate.


Makes me want to become a prison guard just so I could get fired for releasing him to the general prison population.


Ian is unimaginably unholy but I’ll never understand that there were women who literally can’t get over their fan devotion and are totally cool with their idol being an abhorrent pedophile to actively continue to try and still want to talk with him.


A true story to lighten the mood, I used to live in Cardiff and a few months before Watkins got arrested I was in a nightclub called Bogiez (which was the local rock club). Also in there was a guy called Magzy who played guitar for a few of the local hardcore bands. Watkins walks in and then out of no where a slightly inebriated Magzy lunges for and beats down Watkins. A few years later we joked/theorized that Magzy had a premonition of what Ian had done so got his shots in early.


Even the idea of releasing him someday is sickening, i cannot understand how the law works. He should not be able to walk free as long as he lives


14, 17 yrs for the women that assisted in the rape of their own kids???? And he got 29 with possibility of parole??? The system is trash. All this makes me sick🤮


Thank you for not censoring, good to see there's still some youtubers with balls out there


This is the exact same thing that happened with Jimmy Saville. Basically, you can get away with all kinds of evil as long as you are famous enough.


The bassist was so angry, after beating him up he had to get off the bus to throw up. Yeah he was very angry at him.


These cops should’ve been fired or sued because if you don’t do your job as an officer, those two things can happen to you


Every cop involved who did nothing should have lost their fucking job


Separate dressing room = BIG RED FLAG!!


The u.k justice system cared more for the guy having a phone in prison than the fact that he molested a 10 month old. Shit's crazy man.


The password on his computer was "ifukkids" I'm not even joking.


The Police have through their inaction and dismissivness, their ineptitude and arrogance, aided and abetted Watkins' abuse of those children. Like in any organisation, the integrity of its function relies on the personalities staffing its services, the Police is no different, the statutes, laws, procedures, evidence, requirements for a prosecution, all of it was in place, everything necessary to investigate, arrest and charge Watkins and put him Infront of a Judge and Jury in a Court, was there, it was just a "personality", a particular mindset, which kept that from happening.


I never knew him or his band. I randomly found this video. Tears rolling down my face thinking about those poor kids and how the fucking useless police should be held responsible for not following up on the reports. I have a 4 year old girl, thinking about if something like this happened to her....let's just say the police wouldn't have a chance to arrest them. And if I found out they knew and was lazy and did would pay as well. Kids are defenceless, they can't protect themselves. They depend on adults to keep them safe. Once you become a parent this kind of protective thing happens where when you see someone who can't defend themselves being hurt you feel the need to step up regardless of who it is. This breaks my heart and I pray these kids find some kind of peace.


Don't think the bass player, feels to much guilt, over punching him these days.
